Rehab, Step-down,Tele,Hospice

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All Content by RNKITTY04

  1. Tips and tricks of the trade?

    Thanks for the replies I am a newbie in all senses of the word and can use a little TLC :) I am going thru Cirrus Medical Staffing.
  2. career-wise..mine is dying..

    Inwyte, Jobs here in Jax are not very good right now. I am also with agency plus have a full time job and just cannot seem to get any overtime. I am actually starting to travel next month b/c of the situation here in Jax. I know this does'nt help at ...
  3. Tips and tricks of the trade?

    Nashville TN. I am nervous but really looking forward to it. Thanks for the tip Suzanne.
  4. Started rehab as Nurse extern HELP!!

    When I was waiting to take NCLEX last year, I was able to do it all. I had my own pts, I passed meds, I charted, I called the docs. The RN I was with just double checked everything I did. Was a great help when orientation was over I just jumped right...
  5. Did You Get A Sign On Bonus?

    i was hired on with a 1500.00 bonus. 500.00 after 90 days 500.00 after 6 months and 500.00 after a year. I think this is fairly common in my area (northeast Florida) I'm not complaining.
  6. RECALL:Vail Products, Inc. Enclosure beds

    We use these beds on a regular basis, believe me, sometimes there is no other alternative, and I myself would rather be in this bed than tied down to a bed, flat on my back in a posey vest.
  7. No More Nclex

    No offense to anyone, but could we please keep all the NCLEX anxietys on the NCLEX thread. Personally I want to forget about that horrible experience and read what others are saying about their first year as a nurse. I am excited about this new threa...
  8. Feeling like I'm a lousy nurse (rant)

    Ha.. good one Nurse Mike. You sound like fun, to bad we don't work together. Most (all) of the male nurses I have ever worked with were unbelivably cocky. You seem like a refreshing breath of air :)
  9. 75% rule!!!!

    My hospital has also been hit hard. The census has been in the toilet lately and all the new admits we are getting are really really sick, not rehab material in my humble opinion. Of my current 11 pts, a good half of them list dementia as a secondar...
  10. Let's introduce ourselves...

    I graduated August 2004, took my boards in October. There is not a single shift that goes by that I don't learn something new. Good luck to all the new Grads.
  11. What do patients say that irks you?

    Me to patient: Why did'nt you call me before your pain got unmanageable and is now a 10? Pt to me: Oh honey I didn't want to wake you.
  12. Rejected from school

    My good friend was just accepted after trying 5 times. So maybe you should never stop trying. Im very happy for her!
  13. Kaplan is frustrating me!

    STOP with the lab values and the other flash card type things. The NCLEX is NOT a memorization test. The questions are judgement calls. I did all the things you guys are doing and sorta feel like I wasted my time. You either know the material or you ...
  14. Am I cut out to be a nurse?

    Rarely a week went by in Nursing School that I did'nt think about quitting. So far nursing school is the toughest thing I have ever done. (and I was a corrections officer and made it thru the Police academy back in the 80s) Today.... I am sooooooo gl...
  15. White Scrubs? Advice?

    Ok Im going to play Devils advocate. I am required to wear all white and ya know what? I really don't give a crap. Its a job that's all. It does not define who I am, I still have plenty of individuality. Yep sometimes you can see my white underware u...
  16. NPO and meds

    Heres a recent NPO story. Had a pt come to me after placement of a g-tube, they held all meds from that day and wanted to hold them at night too so even if I had wanted to give her B/P meds they were unavailable. Anyway, very long story short she was...
  17. We got something different everyday. Monday was a small pair of bandage scissors, and a flashlite, Tuesday was a free breakfast,(passed on that, would rather have the sleep) Wednesday was a burn chart to hang in our homes with a depth gauge thing, Th...
  18. Is Drug Dosage(class) hard?

    Im really really bad at math but found that if you learn the steps and practice you will be fine. the biggest hurdle for me was learning the metric system.
  19. Ok I just dont get the way they all have to be running around in their panties all the time and the pouty lip thing was kinda making me nausous by the end of the show. I dont see myself watching it again
  20. Skirts, anyone???

    No way to skirts. My gosh then I would have to shave every day and match my toenail polish . Who needs all that hassle just to go to work so I can empty a urine bag on my shoe! No thanks, but for those that do wear it, I think it looks ok.
  21. I could not finish my breakfast after reading this post. I would really like to get a hold of her medical records and do some research, ie..... how long has that foley been in? G-tube? etc... Definatly call someone please, this has been put in your h...
  22. considering rehab - is 8:1 with a CNA good?

    No Its insane!! Im done with Rehab, start another job in 2 weeks. Wish me luck y'all.
  23. Anyone hate their first job?

    Jayla, I can totally relate to the shift change report thing. It is my most dreaded part of my day. It never fails that the "older" nurses will find something to complain about. I'm tired of nurses *****ing at me, Im tired of patients *****ing and m...
  24. I made a med error

    Yes unfortunatly Tweetys right. By the time the family has their say so, the Toprol will have caused an "abnormally low HR and caused the Pt to be dangerously lethargic for a week, which in turn caused the pt a decrease in their quaility of life". W...
  25. Rehab Nursing Intro

    Hi Aaaron, I think Rehab nursing is one of the few nursing jobs left that usually work 8 hour shifts, therefore each shift has some different responsibilities. My typical shift starts with of course my assessment of my pts. Looking over the MARS, pas...