

clinical pathways - ED, home infusion, IT, lab

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About 80sNurse

80sNurse has 20 years experience and specializes in clinical pathways - ED, home infusion, IT, lab.

Latest Activity

  1. What is "Up-to-Date" ?

    Does anyone have experience using Up-to-date for Pharmacy information where you work? Is it a look-up for pharmacy information, or integrated into your system? Does nursing have access to it where you work (and do nurses use it?) Users' input most...
  2. (stated but not charted) "positive Cheetos sign"
  3. what did you decide to do?
  4. Do They Think I'm Old?

    We people can be dorks; trying to be clever and have something to say, sigh.
  5. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    agreed! I'm fondly remembering an elderly gentleman I cared for in nursing school who said he had "cadillacs" in his eyes
  6. ...annoying little BCx pet peeve...

    anyone else out there have a policy requiring blood culture bottles be wiped off on the tops with alcohol wipes before use? and of course I'm talking about brand new, just opened bottles. our hosp policy requires this, and I think it's an unneccessa...
  7. What is your Nursing Kryptonite?

    favorite allnurses post ever, thanks!! will keep enjoying reading others' responses
  8. How to warm IV fluids??

    HAPPY ENDING: We got single dedicated small counter-top warmer & put in 0.9 & LR (labeled with date put in & date expires) so now I have the warm stuff whenever I want it when using rapid infuser isn't appropriate but still don't want to...
  9. Anyone using CO Pulse Oximetry?

    Anyone have comments/recommendations re: pulse oximetry for carbon monoxide? I've heard about these devices, want to know if other EDs are using (EMS, too!) because we're checking into getting one and there doesn't seem to be a lot of options out the...
  10. How to warm IV fluids??

    thanks, all! yes, we have & use level 1 & ranger; but we don't pull out the gear for as many non-trauma pts as I'd like. yes, we did date our fluids & keep in sep compartment from blankets, but JCAHO still nixed it. trying to see if JCAHO...
  11. How to warm IV fluids??

    Our Level I trauma center was told by JCAHO last year that we can no longer keep bags of IV fluids in "fridge style" warmers on the unit (like where blankets are kept but separate compartment). As a result, I think we're using warmed IV fluids much...
  12. IV tips and tricks

    co-worker helped me the other night with this after I struck out x2 on the fragile veins of a 90-something pt: inflate BP cuff & sometimes vein appears that didn't using regular tounqt. May need 2 people tho if need to inflate more than once it ...
  13. I cant start IV's!

    I started in ER 7 mos ago & HAD NEVER started an IV!! (they didn't ask, I didn't bring it up) but had tons of central line experience. Preceptors were v. patient/knew I had come back from years out of nursing & figured it was a part of my b...

    ...I would also highlight your IV/blood draw skills - home care nurses do many, not all settings provide this much opportunity w/little backup ...I also agree w/part about assessment skills ... highlight your abilities to operate in a fast pace re: r...
  15. Experienced Nurses please help New Grad!!! HOW DO I DECIDE???

    I'm curious too... where did you end up? I'm a BSN just took refresher course & am being IGNORED by the hospitals you mention (including Rush & I used to work there!!) V. interested in how it all worked out, and what has the staffing been li...