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About innergybeauty

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  1. Funny things you have said but wish you didn't

    I did prenatal check on my patient. Before she went out from the cubicle I reminded her to drink a lot of water so she can pee regularly to avoid UTI. I was very serious about it. I was wondering why my patient had a confusing look. I asked her what ...
  2. Funny things you have said but wish you didn't

    I had a patient came in for postpartum check-up. I was supposed to ask her if her breast is having a lot of milk already. but instead I asked her this way, " Do you already have a lot of breasts in your milk?" I was not aware of the question. I was w...
  3. Song lyrics that remind you of nursing...

    I remember a song that I sang to my patient. It was a busy shift. I was up for a labor but not really wanted to have one because I was already tired from previous births that day. It was out of the blue I sang infront of the patient " I've been waiti...
  4. A Very Special Bond

    I was only 21 years old when I started my nursing career. I love babies. They have a very special place in my heart. I specialized in Maternal and Newborn Nursing. I have delivered and assisted more than 2000 babies for my nine years and a half year ...