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All Content by meadow85

  1. Is It Just Me...

    I remember when I was in my first year of nursing school my cousin would put me down all the time by saying "at least she didn't have to wash old people". And now she wants to become a nurse because of the job opportunities and generous pay. She has ...
  2. New nervous nurse

    Of course I was nervous! I had anxiety attacks during the first month and I had knots in my stomach every day I came to work for months. Once I felt like I had a good handle on things and could take on anything that came my way - the feeling went awa...
  3. IM injections

    I pinch because the needle is long and I had a bad experience during my first IM injection when the needle actually touched bone.
  4. Why why why don't people understand...

    People are often uneducated and that's when patient & family teaching comes into play. I was watching Dr. Oz the other day and was surprised by the simplest questions audience members were asking. Then I realized they have no medical background s...
  5. question :) o2 therapy

    I usually change it when there is 1/3 left. I am curious what the answer is though.
  6. PICCs

    I believe its the same.
  7. I got a good feeling today.

    A sincere thank you from one person can make all the difference.
  8. Reference from current manager..what to do??

    I'm sorry to hear your manager is giving you such a hard time. I feel there is always some animosity when one finds out you are have applied for another job or accepted another position which is unfortunate really. I would recommend using other refer...
  9. I got vaccinated on Monday and the next day my arm was sore, I had a headache, I was more tired than usual and felt generally unwell. Today I feel much better aside from the slight soreness.
  10. Sounds like a normal day to me, sadly enough. If you feel your assignment is unfair them speak up. I have done that on occasions. If you are feeling overwhelmed then ask for help. Its all about teamwork. Work with the ward clerk as well. If there are...
  11. Friends at work?

    I try to get along with everyone at work. There are some people I would consider friends - we chat, we have lunch together, we hang out on our days off, and we work great as a team. Others I find we don't mesh well and I keep it strictly professional...
  12. Patients We All Know and Love

    It sure is amazing the different people and/or personalities you meet at work.
  13. How Supportive is your Hospital?

    Sounds like a terrible place to work. I have worked in a teaching hospital in the city and noticed a big difference once I moved to a community hospital. It was a big change and I found it hard to adjust at first. They both have there good and bad po...
  14. No Reference Letters for Interview

    Well you might be surprised. I used my manager as a reference and we honestly hardly ever talk. Less than a handful of occasions over an entire year! But, she apparently gave me a good reference because I landed a great new position. You could always...
  15. Do you ever feel like you short-changed someone?

    At the end of the day if you did your best then that's all that matter. We're only human. We can't do it all, although sometimes we wish we could.
  16. Ten Things I Love About Nursing

    Wow, #7 just broke my heart ....
  17. Volunteering for overtime...

    I volunteered as well and now I regret my decision. I am being taken advantage of. I am supposed to get OT for working 3 weekends in a row, really. But my administrator tries to twist things saying ... "oh it doesn't count if you work Sunday and not ...
  18. time managament ..sniff~

    Its just one of those days! You will get better at time management w/experience. It used to take me well over an hour to complete a admission, but now I can finish them in half an hour. I stayed late the other day because I was administering chemo, ...
  19. I wasn't aware there was a clinical component to it but if I were you I wouldn't worry. I mean like you said you havn't done bedside in years and thats why you need a review. Maybe study ahead of time .... read a review textbook?! Good luck though!
  20. Having a really hard time after today

    I'm sorry. I think you handled the situation well though and he had a good death.
  21. What do I say to rude patients?

    I'm amazed you were able to bite your tongue for that long. If you were doing your best and they are treating you so badly then what are you afraid of? Speak to your charge nurse. Don't be afraid that they will complain to the charge nurse. You can e...
  22. Question for oncology nurses out there

    I agree w/the post above. Some people are hired w/o oncology experience and then take the oncology courses and get certified (which can be covered by your employer).
  23. Nurse needing guidance

    The first two links are resources I use personally. I am aware they are Canadian, but the information is universal for the most part. The last one is an American link that I found via Google search and looks reputable to me. Hope this helps. Good lu...
  24. Well nothing grosses me out anymore for one thing. Another is I have become more assertive. I stand up for myself more when I feel threatened/taken advantage of/walked all over/treated unfairly or badly. This has lead to a couple tifs with colleagues...
  25. Burnout in less than 2 years

    I know exactly how you feel ....