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All Content by kmrmom42

  1. avatar posting

  2. Instructors making up words *rant*

    Whoa, tough room.
  3. Here's what AAs really think of CRNAs

    Swumpgas, not only was I not yawning I was interested in every word of your cogent post.This has been an utterly fascinating thread and I have learned much by reading your post as well as many of the others. As I was reading I was thinking that the c...
  4. dress codes

    Canvas shoes in the OR? How impractical! I can't imagine having to show someone my shoes to get approval to wear them. Sometimes I wonder about my choice of profession....what on earth was I thinking?!
  5. Instructors making up words *rant*

    I don't feel that trying to look at all sides of an issue is necessarily making excuses. As a teacher who, I am sure, makes occasional slips of the tongue I was a bit affronted by how harsh the board was being toward other nurses. (That is something ...
  6. Instructors making up words *rant*

    All very good you think the abysmal salaries that are paid to nursing faculty might be part of the problem? Maybe they aren't attracting the best and the brightest by paying so little?
  7. Vaginal exams: Forcing finger through cervix?

    I would guess that you probably already know the answer to your question since you have already had 4 children and you work with a midwife. This is not a typical exam and from what you say the nurse was unnecessarily aggressive. I pride myself on try...
  8. Instructors making up words *rant*

    As I read these posts I am wondering if any of you have ever done any teaching? I can tell you that you can be very smart and still make goofs like these when you are talking in front of an audience. Once I was teaching an entire roomful of new paren...
  9. dress codes

    I am curious Granny, do you know the rationale behind the edict for leather shoes? It seems to me that leather is far more of an infection control risk, especially in the OR or OB than synthetic shoes which can be thoroughly cleaned. I was just wonde...
  10. Charlotte Hungerford Hospital - NEED INFO!

    I used to live right near Charlotte Hungerford but I worked about 15 miles away at Bristol Hospital. I did some of my rotations as a SN there and I had my third child there. Not a bad place for a community hospital. Torrington is the biggest "city" i...
  11. warning..long rant..nurse skills in question!

    Unfortunately there are ignoramus's in every profession....including ours :uhoh21:
  12. Overdue baby testing?

  13. Are male nurses welcome in hospitals ?

    And I was just helping him see another side of things...that is what these boards are all about! :)
  14. Nursing Wearing Sandals To Work?????eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!

    Ahhhh.....a voice of reason!
  15. Nursing Wearing Sandals To Work?????eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!

    I hate closed toed shoes as they tend to make me hot and hurt my feet...would love to wear sandals to work...I am not covered with leather anywhere else, what difference is it if my feet aren't covered in leather (or vinyl or whatever else). However,...
  16. Are male nurses welcome in hospitals ?

    However, if you are interested in OB I can get you in touch with an absolutely amazing male RN who is also an IBCLC (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant). He is also in midwifery school. His wife is expecting their fifth child and I ...
  17. Thinking of taking a phlebotomy class while waiting...

    Sounds like a great idea to me! Personally, I worked as a PCA while I was in nursing school. I did complete patient care, put in foley catheters, did phlebotomy, changed tube feedings, did simple dressing changes and got to work on every unit of the ...
  18. Is this a joke? Please give your opinions...

    Interesting...the bigger and bolder font made me feel like I was being yelled at! It is interesting what an affect things like that can have. That might have been some of the reason for the negative reactions of some of the posters?
  19. Funny things you have said but wish you didn't

    This one happened to a friend of mine: She was encouraged a laboring hispanic woman to push by stating...loudly and clearly Puta! Puta! Puta! The doctor let this go on for a little while but eventually she looked up and calmly stated "Kathy, I think ...
  20. IV tips and tricks

    In L&D we always try to use 18 g. We need to have a large bore for fluid resucitation fetus, for hypotension r/t epidurals, for stat c-sections or for blood. I will only use a 20 if I have no other choice.
  21. Sterile Water Papule--have you ever heard of this?

    I saw lots of this used in CT where we had midwives. Here in FL no one uses it (but no midwives here either). When it worked it really worked well. But sometimes it didn't work at all. It seemed key to choose the proper placement of the wheals. The m...
  22. What is Harlequin's Sign?

    I vote for the fact that you saved his life!! What a lucky boy to have such an astute aunt. I guess I should have qualified my answer to say that Harlequin's sign in a newborn is not considered pathological....if it continues beyond that phase then i...
  23. 25 Nurses fired for not working Frances

    Thank you for posting factual and objective information. You are very welcome! :)
  24. 25 Nurses fired for not working Frances

    It can be very confusing to people who do not work in the Florida Hospital system to understand all this talk about "Florida Hospital" as if there was just one. In fact there are now 16 hospitals that are part of the Florida Hospital system and they ...
  25. What is Harlequin's Sign?

    I think you mean "stork bites". Harlequin's sign is a deep pink coloring on the dependant side of the body with paleness on the other side. This sign has no pathological significance. I have seen some dramatic instances of Harlequin's sign but they a...