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All Content by kmrmom42

  1. More Strange Baby Names

    I have just seen my second set of twin girls in my OB career that the parents named Heaven and Nevaeh. Nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards! Interesting.
  2. Cord Blood Collection

    We get them once in a while. In my last facility the Care Providers all did the collections, no questions asked. Here they do try to get us to do it. However, I discovered the the kit that usually comes in (from Viacord) states that the collection is...
  3. 1st 2005 Baby...

    We had a woman come in at 2225 and we thought for sure we would have the first 2005 baby.....turned out she was already fully dilated with bulging membranes and she ended up delivering at 2312. Oh well..... The day shift had the honor of the first 20...
  4. Own uniforms or hospital scrubs?

    I have done both. I think there are pro's and con's for each. I liked the fact that it didn't cost me anything with hospital scrubs and I thought we looked more professional with all of us wearing the same thing. However, hospital scrubs tend to be ...
  5. Dating Patients

    Since all of my patients are either pregnant women or newborns I guess I will never have this issue!!! LOL (Since I am now divorced maybe I should change my specialty to find myself a new guy??!! Just kidding) :chuckle
  6. trouble stayng slim when in nursing school

    Haven't you ever heard of the "freshman 15"? This is a known phenomenon for students in their first year of college, and I guess it matters not what age you are when you are making this transition to the student role....many folks gain weight.
  7. Dr. Phil today

    Want the facts on this and the info on the response from the nursing profession? Go here:
  8. does anyone get to wear fun scrubs

    Did you know that you can deduct uniforms from your taxes?
  9. does anyone get to wear fun scrubs

    It is always interesting to me how many different opinions there are around this topic. My experiences have been...... all white when a CNA back in the 70's (clean look when fresh but by the end of a busy, dirty day...yuck!) In the 80's as a PCA-whit...
  10. Nurse Emptied Sharps Container!!!!

    Half a vicodin? Not gonna be able to get much on the street for that!! LOL
  11. Nurse Emptied Sharps Container!!!!

    Yes, especially since she had been fired once before for suspicion of something similar. I think that is the key here. This nurse probably freaked that she was going to get fired again and potentially lose her license since it wouldn't be the first t...
  12. TLC Special Duggar Family

    I think if you watch this program you will see that it is not the sheer number of children that is being objected to. It is the way they seem to be sheltering their children from the realities of the real world. I suppose if these children continue t...
  13. Tossing perfectly good breast milk

    Do you think there is any chance that you can get through to this educator if you have this discussion with her yourself? I like to try to resolve issues with the person that I am having a problem with before going to someone else about it. If you ha...
  14. Tossing perfectly good breast milk

    Here is how I feel about this...... Whahahahahaha.......
  15. ++ Job Description!! please dont IGNORE

    I think that your teachers probably would like you to find the information for this assignment from sources that you can reference. If you use answers that we give that will just be hearsay and can only be referenced as personal communication which i...
  16. Old Ladies Having Babies

    As an OB nurse I have seen many women over the age of 40 give birth. I have not personally seen anyone over 50 do so though. Older women (Advanced Maternal Age) do have more risk factors than women in their 20's and early 30's but then so do teenager...
  17. Labor, birth and spectators

    What a wonderful discussion this has been. I think that the original poster's question has been well answered. I loved all the support for the idea that this is really the laboring woman's day. When other women in the room start talking about their o...
  18. What is your hospital's policy on supplemental feeding?

    Chatsdale, I am sorry you were offended but if you knew me you would know how very far off-base you are with this. There is nothing wrong with identifying that the cultural beliefs of a specific group seem to, "on average", effect the healthcare choi...
  19. What is your hospital's policy on supplemental feeding?

    This is also something I see with many of our Hispanic Mom's (mostly those who have recently come from Mexico and have not been "Americanized"). They do not want to breastfeed until their milk comes in. They bottlefeed (oftentimes to excess) and then...

    An all female OB/GYN practice that I know of started offering laser hair removal several years back. I always assumed that this was in response to the popularity and less than comfortable results of shaving the "nether regions"! As an L&D nurse I...
  21. TLC Special Duggar Family

    Thanks for the links MitchsMom.......scary. I am not impressed. I think the closer you look at this situation the more offensive it gets...(at least to me). P.S. Is that your little guy in your icon? Cute!! :)
  22. SCARY drug exp post C-Sec - DROPERIDOL

    We have to honor the mysterious ways all of our babies come into this world, don't you think? Absolutely!!
  23. SCARY drug exp post C-Sec - DROPERIDOL

    Barbara, I can really relate to what you are saying. I am a childbirth educator (and L & D nurse) and I had my cesarean after I got to 5 cm. when they realized that my 9lb 14oz dtr was a footling breech. I was very sad at the time...I had the sam...
  24. SCARY drug exp post C-Sec - DROPERIDOL

  25. avatar posting

    Thanks I am not sure if mine does (Brighthouse Networks). However, I decided to just open a new folder in the html files of my website and place them there. I just used my first one successfully in a post about the Red Sox! Here is #2: