
jlmb214rn BSN, RN


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About jlmb214rn

jlmb214rn is a BSN, RN and specializes in Medical/Surgical.

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  1. Pseudo-seizures

    I feel ya! This is actually a common occurance on my post-surgical floor. RIDICULOUS!!!:grn:
  2. Pseudo-seizures

  3. Report interruption

    I'm glad to hear that other nurses are bothered by interruptions in report. Now, I am not so particular that someone can't pipe in when something is unclear. But like other people in the post have said, if I'm going to get to it, then don't interrupt...
  4. What would you do?

    First of all, I wouldn't report it. (To answer the original question) But only because the patient in question didn't overhear anyone else's information, and I'm assuming that she didn't feel like someone else overheard hers. However, I do believe re...
  5. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    An addendum to my previous entry... I can totally understand how a person who had never heard of a drug or seen it spelled out could spell it incorrectly. However, when you administer that drug on almost a daily basis, and look at it in your MAR spel...
  6. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! Some of these people.... I'll share a few good lessons that my patients have taught me. Never, never, never masterbate with a raw hot dog. It will most certainly break if you try to "pinch" it to take it bac...
  7. Charting Bloopers

    Patient satting 95% on 50% "vinny" mask. Patient with history of "cabbage" in '07.
  8. Terms we will not admit to using

    We use the GOMER too!! Awwww, here comes Gomer!!! And I had a tech tell me once that our new patient had a serious case of " ****doo " (Fill in stars with the nickname for Richard) Translated to mean "his belly sticks out farther than his (ins...
  9. Overheard...

    I once overheard a nurse who was in her patients room starting an IV say "CRAP!! Missed again!!! I'm sorry, honey, I'm not a very good nurse." I couldn't believe it!
  10. Piggyback IV question

    No. Not all antibiotics are compatible. Infact, most manufacturers recommend that you hang EVERYTHING (all antibiotics) completely seperately. Zosyn (piperacillin) and Vanc are compatible. You are safe there. But don't just assume. Your Pocket guide ...
  11. Piggyback IV question

  12. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    I am essentially the only person on my floor who cares about how people spell and pronounce medical terms and medications. I am so glad to see that I have fellow nurses who can't stand when other nurses mispronounce things. There is one nurse on my f...
  13. Hourly Rounding / Walking Reports

    In my facility, we use both hourly rounding and bedside report. The term "bedside report" can be confusing, so make sure what your facility expects of you. On my floor, we give a complete verbal report and then go around to each room. In the room we ...
  14. OK. I totally disagree with this entire response. I know opinions are like buttholes, but I gotta share my on this one. First of all, a low grade temp is common in the first 24 hours post-op. It is your body's natural response to invasive procedure...
  15. Bizarre Admitting Diagnosises

    How about "Advanced Age". No kidding. Had it more than once too. It's kind of like a cover term for "family can't take it anymore, needs NH placement" These people have no acute medical problems, just getting old. Our registration clerks type in di...