
blondy2061h MSN, RN



All Content by blondy2061h

  1. Garbage Report

    I've both given and received horrible reports. The worst report I ever gave was- none. I forgot I had the patient. I worked on a unit where charge normally didn't have an assignment. I picked up a patient at 3a on my 7p-7a shift from someone working ...
  2. Can a new grad have spidey senses??

    I can't imagine commuting 3 hours for a nursing job. Go with your gut.
  3. Using PTO to work part time

    We get less pay than most hospitals in our area but great benefits, including very generous time off. The problem is you can only use PTO if staffing allows, or on your pre-approved annual vacation weeks.
  4. You can change your Facebook settings so you can't be seen to send friend requests to. Personally, I keep my Facebook very light and will accept any request I know in real life.
  5. Nurse, clean up aisle 5 (rant)

    They just want you to wipe down these high touch surfaces with disinfectant wipes? I really don't see an issue with that.
  6. My DON accused me of patient abandonment during a snowstorm

    Reading this I'm so angry for you. Usually in the "I'm fired and I don't understand why" posts, the poster clearly did something wrong. Not in this case. You've be handed an injustice.
  7. Why do you care if they know you're a Christian? Especially if they're Christian too? Many Christians are proud when people can identify them by their actions and not their words.
  8. Lack of Sleep

    I would advise against benadryl. I used to use it until learning from a pharmacist at work how badly it effects your sleep cycle. We don't use it for patients any more and I won't use it for myself. You've already received some excellent advice abou...
  9. Did I make a med error?

    What is your boss saying you did wrong?
  10. Dangers of teaching kids they can be boys or girls

    Ha. You do keep things interesting around here. What far off countries and unique experiences will you make up stories about this time?
  11. You could have a call calendar with on call pay to cover in case of a problem with the scheduled RN.
  12. Multiple CNA's refusing assigned task

    "I'm giving you a directive, are you refusing?"
  13. 3 nursing jobs in 2 years. Unhirable?

    I've read back through your previous posts as well. Anxiety seems to be a recurring theme for you. You need to get that under control before you'll be successful anywhere. Are you working with a therapist and or a psychiatrist? At my current job when...
  14. Would you be concerned about this potential exposure?

    It sounds like you're being paranoid, to be perfectly honest
  15. Robots perform surgery at some places these days.

    Nursing is probably one of the safest careers from being overtaken by robots
  16. Milrinone drip how to declot noncontinuous ports

    Well by all means, keep it to yourself
  17. Milrinone drip how to declot noncontinuous ports

    I guess if you're able to take this caution, better safe than sorry. BUT the whole point of multilumen CVLs is to be able simultaneously infuse incompatible drugs.
  18. Milrinone drip how to declot noncontinuous ports

    We have patients use it at home even
  19. Milrinone drip how to declot noncontinuous ports

    She's not talking about putting cathflo in the line with the milronone running in it. She said that one is patent. She's asking about the other lumens, which would be treated as separate lines. She's not using tpa systemically, even though the 2mg us...
  20. Milrinone drip how to declot noncontinuous ports

    The lines not running are separate lines and should be treated as such. Of course you can cathflo the lines not in use while a med in running in a different lumen. A touch of cathflo getting systemic isn't catastrophic. It's a minute amount with a sh...
  21. I was found out!

    I post everything assuming my boss will read it. The nursing world is surprisingly small.
  22. Prescription PO/Subcut

    Are you seeing it mostly with Zofran or other meds too? Zofran dosing is the same regardless of route- usually 4 or 8mg. I'm guessing the reasoning here is that the palliative patients don't have IV access and they want them to be able to have it su...
  23. 100 mile commute. Worth it?

    Geez. I work 10 shifts a month sometimes at my full time job. But that commute would be awful. They both kinda stink.
  24. Nursing accessories for ER/ED?

    These accessory threads always amuse me. Besides my stethoscope and lunch I never brought anything extra to work. In later years I got picky over writing utensils and when I got my Apple Watch I actual started wearing a watch.
  25. Evidence Base Research Shows...

    Evidence shows that if I wear white I have at least a 50% chance of spilling on myself before the START of my shift