I know I am moving away from the nursing topic here but I would like to ask all you people who have been kind enough to offer advice if you know of any way I would be able to live and work in the US...
My girlfriend is a lawyer, she's been headhunted by a Manhattan law firm who are arranging her work permit so no problems for her. I'm desperate for any positive news on how I can get into the US...
To lvnandmomx3, thanks for your recent post that started " Ok you answer is what I was thinking. I am not wuite sure how it works, but like you said the...", I got the email link to read it but...
If I was to find a prospective employer would they be able to petition for me? I'm just looking for a legal way to get work in the US to be with my partner. Not proving
Hi Sorry to be going off on a bit of a tangent to the original post but I need some advice! I'm a nursing assistant in the UK, and looking to seek work in New York. Does anyone know if it's even...
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. My girlfriend is a lawyer and has been headhunted by a top law firm in Mahattan, so work permit issues don't apply to her! For those with not so high accademic...
Not exactly the news I was looking to hear:banghead:. Do you or anyone know who I would need to approach to find the information I need for certain? As I said I am not just looking for work in New...
Can anyone offer advice on the minimum criteria for getting a work permit in order to work in the US as a nursing assistant? A previous poster has suggested that you need to hold a 'BSN' in order to...
Could I get in touch with you and chat over the net to pick your brains further? Many thanks for previous advice. You will be able to PM and use email function when you have 15 posts on the board....
Hi all I'd like some information and advice please. I am looking for work in mental health nursing in New York. I am not a qualified nurse, I am a British nursing assistant with 13 years experience...