

Informatics, critical care, research

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All Content by NexLvlDad

  1. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    Sonitmeter also bugs me. I get irritated slightly when I hear "orientate" used as a verb as opposed to orient or orientated as opposed to oriented as an adjective. Very unprofessional IMO.
  2. My two least favorite words

    GI bleeder
  3. IS it ok to wear scrubs to an interview?

    Conventional wisdom says wear a suit.
  4. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    Corporate business varies by your actual role and the organization. You can't generalize, at least as much as you can with bedside nursing since the same interpersonal dynamic seems to run through all the hospitals I've been to from coast to coast. M...
  5. Heart Attack Grill (20/20 ABC show)

    I would like to think nursing is more resilient than to be undone by a sexy waitress gimmick at a grill. Are they hot?
  6. Guys- what made you want to become a nurse?

    Money, I was promised a bonus in the Army, promotion also promised in the Army, an indoor job in the Army and an assignment with women in the Army. That is what got the 23 year old version of me into nursing. No calling or inspiration from a clinicia...
  7. When will they change the name???

    Just out of curiosity, what could be some alternate names for "nurse"?
  8. Why is nursing considered a sexy career?

    One when I showed up to work, I walked in on a conversation taking place by nurses who were discussing who were the more endowed male patients they took care of in the past and were gesturing why.
  9. My two least favorite words

    Hi handsome
  10. What if men dominated the Nursing profession?

    There wouldn't be so much sea-foam green used to paint nurses' lounges or other pastel colors.
  11. Why isn't there's a Men's Health NP specialty

    I think in Europe there are such practitioners.
  12. Roll Call

    Buffalo wings on the way, pass me that cold one. Who here is sick of sea-foam green and other pastel colors painted on hospital walls?
  13. Shoes

    Ecco slip ons, but I don't work at the bedside anymore.
  14. Working with all females - fringe benefit or danger zone?

    Maybe being around women during work is good for him. He will have to decide. Sometimes men in nursing are ignored because women who have been married for a number of years become conditioned to hear what comes out of a man's mouth as white noise.
  15. You know you're a male RN when......

    When upon your evaluation you are told you are assertive and that shouldn't be taken as a compliment.
  16. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    No, the young are eaten, as well as the not so young.
  17. Waiting for NCLEX results

    I heard one way to find out sooner if you've passed the NCLEX is to g to your state board's web site as if to file a grievance against a nurse. In my state, it generates a list of all those who hold a nursing license. Apparently the individuals who p...
  18. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    If an individual can pass the NCLEX and perform adequately, who cares if the individual holds a BSN, ADN or a diploma. I don't think nursing is such the disenfranchised profession in healthcare because the perception is that a nurse brings 1 year of ...
  19. Would you marry a female MD?

    Why not? If she does it for me, that is, and if I weren't married, who cares what the profession is?
  20. Docs yelling at nurses....

    It helps to be 6 ft and 200 lbs. It also help to know what you are talking about.
  21. Male nurse crying!!!

    Can't say that I ever cried at work.
  22. When will they change the name???

    When ever I was referred to as a male nurse, I simply replied stating: I don't work for the post office.
  23. 75 Questions on NCLEX, pass or fail?

    I was amongst the first groups to take the CAT format for the NCLEX. It was winter and we received about 4-5 ft of snow over night. I awoke noticing all the white outside my home so I called the Sylvan learning center where I was scheduled to take th...
  24. Do you/ did you have a Nurses Cap? Pin?

    I was not required nor expected to wear a cap. I did not buy nor feel the need to buy the pin. Last time I wore a cape, I was 7 years old and it was for halloween. I was Bat-Man!
  25. starting salary to annual salary?

    What is valued more so than a masters in NI is actual experience on a system implementation. I'm not saying don't get your masters degree but if you want to get the most employment mileage out of it, coupling it with actual implementation experience,...