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About cclaudine

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  1. GA Highlands students please help!

    I got accepted for spring 2010. any advice. please help
  2. GA Highlands students please help!

    please let us know if you get any information about the program
  3. GA Highlands students please help!

    How was the program and any advice
  4. GA Highlands students please help!

    How much are you selling the books for?
  5. GA Highlands students please help!

    How much are you selling the books for
  6. GA Highlands students please help!

    Did you start the program yet? any advice
  7. GA Highlands students please help!

    How was 1101 classes? any advise
  8. Should I apply to Ga Highlands?

    How is the program. I just got accepted for the spring 2010. Please help
  9. GA Highlands students please help!

    I got in for spring 2010