

Neuro, critical care

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About Goldenatom

Goldenatom specializes in Neuro, critical care.

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  1. University of Maryland

    Ya, I got an email the other
  2. Rush University CRNA Interview

    What was the interview like? I have an interview at the end of the month. Mostly wondering if its one of the high pressure ones or hey check us out ones. Someone told me there is a scenario to go...
  3. University of Maryland

    Status updated this
  4. University of Maryland

    Reeeejected! Oh well, I'm a few months short of two years nursing experience...I sort of expected this. I'll just try again next year! Good luck to you all
  5. University of Maryland

    Its unchanged, still says "committee ready". It means you got in! I went there for my masters degree, had the same thing listed when I got in for
  6. University of Maryland

    Yes, congrats! When did it update? I think this doesn't bode well for me...oh well, good for
  7. University of Maryland

    Man...this is starting to drive me
  8. University of Maryland

    Nope. Not
  9. University of Maryland

    Well after the interview was essentially over, one of the committee members went on about needing to be really committed to becoming a CRNA and all of the sacrifice it required. I'm not sure if she...
  10. Interviews wrapped up yesterday. How'd everyone feel that they went? Seemed pretty laid back to me. Though, I felt like they may have mostly made up their minds prior to the interview :-\ Anyone's...
  11. Don't worry too much about the shoes. They're pretty lax about the uniform. I graduated in May from the CNL program...all I can say is good
  12. Deaf Nursing?

    I'm actually putting together a presentation for my clinical group about communication problems. The other day we had a patient that spoke Spanish and another that has sudden nerve deafness in the...
  13. Psychosocial Problems and Care Plans

    I discussed some of my assessment findings with my preceptor and we came up with "Impaired verbal communication." Now I'm trying to come up with a short term goal. What would be suitable? Patient will...
  14. Psychosocial Problems and Care Plans

    Social isolation? Risk for compromised human
  15. Psychosocial Problems and Care Plans

    Well, the patient doesn't really let his needs be known. He's totally dependent for his ADLs. He needs loud auditory stimuli to be roused and falls asleep constantly, even during