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All Content by piel_canela26

  1. *:.Advice Needed:RN Newbie in NYC.:*

    jaja i dont blame you i also want to work at a good hospital, it's proving to be hard in an area where there seems not to have a shortange of nurses.
  2. *:.Advice Needed:RN Newbie in NYC.:*

    i'm a new grad too, graduated in june with a ADN, went to a job fair many hospitals said to contact them when you pass the nclex, took it and passed it almost a month ago, went applying all over the city and now all the hospitals are giving me the ru...

    i know i went several times and they just blow you off, they tell you to apply only and then when you call they say wait, if you go to the nursing recruter office and ask to speak to her the receptionist always blow you off, makes you dont want to wo...

    dont worry i'm in the same boat, graduated in june got my license almost a month ago and still no one has called, applyed all over... i know im supposed to wait and see what happens; but when you're in school and they tell you that there is a big dem...
  5. How to study Medications!!!!!!!

    the way i studied the medications was by grouping them in their categories, then study the most life threning side effects followed by the most common..... that's my advice to you.
  6. Poll for those who have already taken NCLEX..

    1. How many questions did you take on NCLEX? 75 questions in 1 1/2 hrs. 2.What study materials did you use? i used saunders, i did some ncles 3500 and some kaplan questions.... did not over did it when it was time to study because what you know is wh...
  7. City Tech Nursing program.(Help getting into nursing program)

    i just graduated this may..... and i have to say these professor give you a run for your money but at the long end it's worth it...... i took the nclex and passes and it was easy..... so good luck to you getting in the program.... and good luck to pr...
  8. I passed :)

    congrats..... i passed too with 75 questions too
  9. 75?'s...SCARED

    i feel your pain i took the nclex on monday and the last two days have been hell...... i think you guyz pass esp if you think the nclex was easy.... at least i did eventhough i was scared to see my results... but good luck to every one!
  10. fail nclex retake in august 2008

    well to be honest i kaplan does not help i took it and it was a waist of time and money, i belive that you need to study what your notes from school past test questions and things like that.... that's what i did and to me the nclex was easy compared ...
  11. July NCLEX Takers come on in!

    I PASSED! I passed my nclex im soooooooooooo happyyyy! i thought the nclex was easy but yet i was still cared i failed.
  12. Post Nclex Anxiety!

    i took the nclex today 75 questions and i left feeling numb, i felt the test was easy and that scares the crap out of meeee :redlight:
  13. Are Students Protesting HESI??

    wow these are some crazy stories about the HESI thank god that in my school we were no requiered to take the HESI every semester nor did we have to get a particular grade to be able to graduate from the school.... most of us in our class did not take...
  14. July NCLEX Takers come on in!

    i took the nclex this morning the computer shutdonw at 75 questions, i almost passed out..... i really think i failed because for some reason i felt the nclex was easy..... and i really dont want to take it a second time
  15. July NCLEX Takers come on in!

    thanx to all for the good wishes
  16. Book for NUR 112 at BMCC

    if you cannot find the book online go to the barns and nobels on 5th avenue coner of 18th street.... there you will be able to find all the nursing books you will need for the 4 semesters of nursing school.... this is the only BnN where you will find...
  17. Ugh, my insomnia is killing me

    i suggest you squeez some work out time.... it might work, i did for me going to the gym makes you tired and it releaves stress.
  18. July NCLEX Takers come on in!

    im taking my nclex on monday i hope i pass...
  19. 265q and I failed!

    Hi i'm sorry to hear that you did not pass the nclex, but dont give up.... if you need help with topics then ask for help, i think some one in the forum is willing to help you.... i actually have test questions that you can study from if you want ill...
  20. I failed

    i'm sorry to hear that you did not pass the nclex, dont let this setback stop you, just continue studying and you'll do better the next time.
  21. Age you will/were graduated?

    i graduated last month and im 21
  22. City Tech Nursing program.(Help getting into nursing program)

    well good luck.... it's a really good program
  23. well you can start by asking at the nursing department. in my school they gave us some centers in brooklyn where the students were able to go and get the physicals for free or low cost rite now i dont have the names of the places but ill look them up...
  24. NY jobs

    that's weird i receive an email from NY presbyterian asking me to send them my resume and i did, but they turned my down cuz i dont have a BSN i checked yesturday and mount sinai has alot of openings.... if that does not work then you should find som...
  25. City Tech Nursing program.(Help getting into nursing program)

    i just graduated from city tech, you have to have an okay gpa nothing below 3.3 i got in with a 3.4 and i got a 117 on my nln. i have to tell you the program is not easy but at the end its worth it so i suggest for you to retake one or two of the cla...