Boog'sCRRN246 RN

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All Content by Boog'sCRRN246

  1. Boog'sCRRN246

    How do you feel about professors locking the door?

    What do cost/paying of tuition and following a school/professor's policy have to do with each other? You paid tuition to attend the school. That's it. You didn't pay tuition in order to have some say in what policies (a.k.a. rules) you will or will n...
  2. Boog'sCRRN246

    Math Help Please.

    This is off-topic, but I would really like to know what school/state/country allows a student to not take ANY math class beyond ninth grade and beyond geometry. And also what nursing program requires NO math class as a prerequisite? Could this maybe ...
  3. Boog'sCRRN246

    Dying of starvation

    Sounds like aspiration is definitely the problem. Her risk of aspirating is just too high to even attempt sips of water. Even aspiration of water can cause much bigger problems if the mouth isn't basically pristine. There is a practice called the Fra...
  4. Boog'sCRRN246

    My CRRN Study Guide Accountability Thread

  5. Boog'sCRRN246

    Are there 10 hr shifts in Nursing??

    My unit (inpatient rehab) used to have 10-hour shifts, but when the hours didn't mesh well with floating (rehab nurses getting off at 1700 when the next nurse didn't come in until 1900), they were changed to 12-hour shifts.
  6. Boog'sCRRN246

    Washing Scrubs NUNS KS

    "The bugs are getting worse and worse so no one can be to careful." The bugs are getting seemingly worse and worse because people are completely overzealous when it comes to disinfection. A little germ-infested "dirt" keeps your immune system on p...
  7. Boog'sCRRN246

    Soma or Enclosure Beds... Cruel or not?

    The recall you read about was specifically for the Vail Products company. Other companies manufacture similar beds, such as Posey and Soma. Posey's beds have an extremely thin mattress that I assume prevents patients from getting caught in between th...
  8. Boog'sCRRN246

    Marijuana and nursing

    Unless I missed a huge breaking news story, marijuana has not been legalized (for medical use or otherwise) in Florida, so I'm not sure why you are even questioning this. I mean, you can do what you want on your days off, but possession of marijuana ...
  9. Boog'sCRRN246

    Everything is our responsibility. Rant.

    Half the time, the patient isn't even in our facility! They're at another hospital in a different city :-/
  10. Boog'sCRRN246

    I just don't understand

    Good lord, you've only been licensed for eight days! Give it some time before you start freaking out. Don't limit yourself to only applying at hospitals. I know hospitals are a new grad's holy grail, but they are also a sure fire way to extend your j...
  11. Boog'sCRRN246

    Called the Nurse Manager

    If you applied online and had to create an account with a log-in and password, you can usually check the status of your application. It should tell you if it's still being considered and, if not, it should give you a disposition. Managers aren't usu...
  12. Boog'sCRRN246

    Difficult diabetic resident

    Excuse my bluntness, but I'm a Rehab nurse and am all about promoting independence :) You said this is an assisted living facility, which means the residents are able to live somewhat independently. Is there something stopping the resident from givin...
  13. Boog'sCRRN246

    No lunch for lunch break?

    Take management and front office staff out of the equation. When they take their lunch break and where they go or don't go to get lunch is irrelevant to your position. I'm really surprised everyone is allowed to take a lunch break at the same time. ...
  14. If a student fails at a traditional nursing school (and when you say 'fail', I'm assuming you mean 'did not pass', 'got a F', etc), they actually aren't eligible to enroll at a school like Excelsior, since typically one of the admission criteria is t...
  15. Boog'sCRRN246

    Last name on ID badge?

    A menial task (job, chore, etc.) is anything that takes very little training, skill, or talent. No one was being judged or thought of as 'less human'. Fast food jobs and entry-level retail positions fit the description of menial.
  16. Boog'sCRRN246

    Last name on ID badge?

    My hospital just merged with a larger health system in the area and we're not even allowed to have our credentials on our badges anymore, let alone last names. The only way a visitor can tell I am a RN is from the badge buddy that hangs behind my bad...
  17. Boog'sCRRN246

    Do you have a nursing specialty you know you want to pursue?

    CRRN is a Certified Rehabilitation RN. Pretty sure the poster meant CCRN, as CRRN won't help much with becoming a CRNA.
  18. Boog'sCRRN246

    Fired for med error

    I think it all depends on the culture of any future places of employment. Where I work, med errors are always, always, always seen as opportunities for education and do not result in punitive actions. All your former facility has done is encourage fu...
  19. Boog'sCRRN246

    New to Rehab Nursing

    Please don't expect inpatient rehab to be a floor with a SLOWER pace. You will not be bored and you will not lose your skills. Inpatient rehab is inpatient for a reason - ideally, the patients are medically stable, but honestly, there has to be a cer...
  20. Boog'sCRRN246

    Quitting my job

    I was on the float team at a clinic as a new grad. It was a huge clinic and very overwhelming at first. What helped was a binder that the clinic issued each float nurse. It was divided by specialty and physician in that specialty. Each page had helpf...
  21. Boog'sCRRN246

    PT's that require a private room

    Patients with conditions that cause them to become overstimulated or distracted easily (i.e., head injuries).
  22. Boog'sCRRN246

    Things Rehab Nurses Cannot Live Without!!

    Everything previously a FIM reference guide somewhere in the immediate vicinity
  23. Boog'sCRRN246

    Can you become an LPN during ADN nursing school in Florida?

    It's up to your program director. He/she has to sign the paperwork that is submitted to the BON.
  24. Boog'sCRRN246

    Physical Rehab for new grad

    What kind of experience are you worried about not getting per se? The acuity for inpatient rehab patients is going up, which means our patients are coming to us sicker and sicker. Granted we don't have vents or titrate drips, but we do have patients ...
  25. Boog'sCRRN246

    Nurse-Patient ratios in rehab?

    How in the world do you all handle such heavy patient loads plus all the fun little extras that come from PT/OT/SLP, etc?? I work 7a-7p in acute rehab and per our medical director, we are never to have more than six patients per nurse (and it's been ...