
Wishinonastar BSN


About Wishinonastar

Wishinonastar has 40 years experience as a BSN.

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  1. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I am not the enemy. I understand the feelings of these people who feel the world is unfair. I am going to leave it at that, I will not negate their feelings- they are theirs and they have a right to...
  2. Leaving the Bedside

    I left and went to school nursing for other reasons but I have to say it has been a mostly miserable experience. I am treated quite badly and not seen as valuable- unless the blood is flowing. I love...
  3. Should I give a two weeks' notice?

    I have always given notice even when it was painful to do. The things they ask a previous employer are how you quit- was it voluntary? How long you worked there? And would they rehire you? Some places...
  4. Are there any nurses that actually LIKE nursing?

    I love nursing. I do not love all workplaces. The actual art and science of nursing, the patients, the things I do, that I love. The workplace is what makes you love or hate work. The patients have...
  5. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    This is only assuming that the white person in question has some sort of authority or is in a position to create harm for the blk person. If a blk person falsely claims that a white person did...
  6. Nurses That Never Worked In A Hospital...

    I remember my good friend from nursing school went to LTC after school and she said she was able to really listen to heart sounds and do all those things that we learned in school but never had time...
  7. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    It explains it very well and presents bigger ideas- which helps explain why we have a failure to communicate here. Perhaps we see things in different ways. My view is one of personal action and...
  8. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    NurseBlaq- Read the ebook section through the link. It is fascinating. And if you refuse to hear from us (or just me) because you have blinders on (and are innately prejudiced towards me), then...
  9. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I think it is pretty obvious who has the problems here. I am not going to discuss it anymore. I never said anything racist, neither did you. Truth hurts sometimes and people cannot accept that truth....
  10. How do you guys do it for so long?

    I really like the way you worded this. It took me a long time to accept that I cannot always like the things I SHOULD like and I cannot always be good at what I SHOULD be good at. We have what is in...
  11. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I think the majority of violent and critical situations are probably drug related. They must have been expecting a big dealer or something. I do not think they would raid without the expectation of a...
  12. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    Apologies. There may be blind persons on this site. I based my comment on the photo. Hence- are you blind. Did you not see the photo would have been more appropriate. Insensitive, I flagellate
  13. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    They should never be allowed to raid without announcing who they are. Perhaps none of that would have happened if the knew it was the
  14. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I know enough about the rest of the world. I have studied enough. In both grad school programs that I have attended there was great emphasis on global understanding and learning about other cultures....
  15. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    You know that is uncalled for. You do not know me. I would have shot her because she was about to murder an unarmed person who was terrified and needed help. I could care less about the color of her...