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All Content by lifeafter40

  1. Potential Army Nurse

    OB Course in in HI... so would the CONUS stipulation hold true for that course selection? Would save the expense of a move... just wondering.
  2. FNP and National Guard

    You took the words right out of my mouth
  3. NP considering Army Reserves

    Everyone has different reasons for serving, not all of them financial (although $350-400 for a weekend, and a change of pace is not a bad thing either). Many people simply feel pride in knowing they are serving their country, and helping the soldiers...
  4. NP considering Army Reserves

    Just for the record... LA40 is not a she
  5. Hey guys, a couple of questions

    I am not sure how old you are, but you might look into ROTC at the school you want to attend (I am too old myself) you could get a free ride through college, and get some great training experience for a "boost up' when you commission. And like just_c...
  6. NP considering Army Reserves

    At the top of the military pay chart (i get it from Army Times) It says: The drill pay rates shown are for four drills, a typical weekend for reservists. Drill pay rates effective Jan. 1: So, under most circumstances that would be your monthly pay, o...
  7. Army Nurse Corps - Airborne school?

    Last I checked there was a maximum age limit for jump school also... off the top of my head, i want to say it is 36 years old. (by the way, everyone who goes to jump school must pass a PT test at the 17-21 year old standards...regardless of age). Unf...
  8. Public health Nursing

    Does anyone have experience in army Public Health nursing? The Army website has very little information on this specialty, only stating that at least one year on job is required before you are eligible for the course, and you must have your Head Nurs...
  9. ANC Web page

    For anyone interested, The Army Nurse Corps has their website back up, and a new look. Check it out here: Army Nurse Core
  10. FNP and National Guard, this is the right place... unless this thread was moved from somewhere else, in which case it is in the right place now :) Sorry I can't answer your question, but i am sure someone will jump in soon who can. Good luck to you, LA40
  11. Pros and Cons to GI Bill

    I assumed that was the case...but hey
  12. Pros and Cons to GI Bill

    Anyone know if you can receive the new GI Bill if you already used benefits under the old Montgomery GI bill? I know that sounds too good to be true, but thought i would ask anyway.
  13. USPHS

    I was wondering what the promotion schedule is like for USPHS Officers? I know that promotion selection is based on different criteria than the military branches, but is there a basic "life-cycle"? are promotions from o-1 through 0-3 basically a time...
  14. OBLC- Due to go but need more time

    I was under the impression that passing the NCLEX was required before you could be commissioned.
  15. Military Medics/Civilian Qualifications.

    I think it all boils down to it usually does. The Army medic's primary role is to save lives on the battlefield, and that is what they are trained to do. However, recent years have seen an evolution in warfare, and the additional roles of h...
  16. Question about Army Reserve

    Like you said, there is a certain amount of comfort to be gained from knowing you have a slot two years in advance... The verdict is still out for me, I have another year before I need to make that decision.
  17. Question about Army Reserve

    Yes, there are several good programs to get you into Army Nursing (as well as the other branches) and help with the finances of school. Each program has its ups and downs though, so be sure you research them all and make the choice that best serves y...
  18. Question about Army Reserve

    Just_cause... Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the STRAP program is a Army Reserve Program...there is not an Active Duty Obligation for participating in it (but there is a Reserve Duty Obligation). You perhaps are mixing information about...
  19. USPHS

    Soso...take a look at this link...this, I believe, is what just_cause is referring to... Jobs Database
  20. Questions about NROTC

    Sandra, Welcome! You will soon find that there are many options and choices when it comes to serving as a nurse in the military. The first thing i would suggest is to keep an open mind about the options and your Branch of Service choices. Next i woul...
  21. USPHS

    Yes, the ANCP is an option I have kept on the back burner... I will talk to a recruiter again when I start my Junior year, and see what the prognosis is at that point. Thanks for all your input. Now that I have thoroughly derailed this thread, I must...
  22. USPHS

    JC, Thanks for the input. I spoke to an AMEDD Recruiter last summer, but have not begun the packet process. I am just finishing up my first year of Nursing school, and got the impression from the recruiters that they did not really want to talk serio...
  23. Medically Disqualified with no waiver

    Just a comment on the last part of this discussion.... There is a difference between a chronic illness not being treated and it not having been diagnosed... If there is absolutely NO RECORD of your illness, then by all means, make them find it themse...
  24. USPHS

    I have been looking over the USPHS web site, but it seems to be rather lacking on details, and having three years left in Nursing school, I feel it is too early to try to contact a recruiter... So, I hope that some of my questions can be addressed he...
  25. Biggest hospitals in each Branch?

    I agree with you in that espirit d'corps is a valuable aspect of being a Military Medical professional, and being prior service, this is one of the factors drawing me back into the Army. However, in a military environment where joint operations and c...