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All Content by DMoon

  1. There are different publishing companies that publish study guides for the Excelsior exams, and IMO they're all just middlemen out to get your money. The above posters are correct--go straight to the source (Excelsior) and save your money for what's...
  2. That is so cool! If only the whole world operated like this...sigh! I'm glad everything's turning out okay for you!
  3. Spartanburg Regional Medical Center's Regional One helicopter crashed this morning with three crew and one patient, no survivors. God bless and keep them and their families.
  4. Does anyone double-glove?

    Same subject, completely different track-- I do a lot of field work and also trauma in the ER, and I sometimes double and triple glove--when the top set gets too gross I strip it off to the clean set below--saves time in re-gloving plus I hate trying...
  5. Up north in Coeurdalene

    Hi Jocie-- I'm envious! Originally from southern Idaho but went to school in Moscow--now living in the Dakotas, which are lovely in their own very large, flat way, but nothing like northern Idaho!:chuckle You're making me homesick... Best of luck ...
  6. CPNE Why the long wait???

    One of the reasons for the wait is that the CPNE is a one-on-one process over the course of several days. Except for your orientation the first evening, it's you and a Masters-prepared evaluator for the whole exam. This limits the number of student...
  7. What's your craziest story of the ER

    Cetacaine! Just a little on a 2x2 stuck in your mask will cover the deadliest of odors...of course, you'll be smelling bananas for the rest of your shift but hey, sometimes it's worth it! Most of the odors I don't have any trouble with--but gan...
  8. Your last day in the ER

    Jayrborn, I love (and live!) what you wrote--thank you for putting it into words-- Now I just need to keep it foremost in my mind, because I agree with the other posts too! Seeking Strength always-- Dakota
  9. Any Idaho EC student out there

    Hi-- I'm not in Idaho but I'm FROM Idaho, and miss it very much... I graduated from EC a few years ago and had some of the same concerns it seems you have. One of the things that helped me is that I did have deadlines--I scheduled the tests before I...
  10. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    "Wolf-Parkinson-White"--a cause of supraventricular tachycardia. Bad idea to use drugs that predispose you to tachydysrhythmias when you're already prone to them-- As one of my coworkers would say: "Modern Darwinism at work" (re the drug use, not t...
  11. Here's One For Ya.......

    Julie, Give your husband a cookie and a big hug, because he hit the target dead center: there's something fishy going on here. Maybe it's stupidity and maybe it's drug diversion, but somethin' ain't right! Do as your beloved tells you--document eve...
  12. Excelsior EMT'S

    No uproar, at least for me. Just proud of where I am and how I got there! There's nothing to compare with a job you love... Dakota
  13. Excelsior EMT'S

    Darn right we worked our butts off! I worked too hard for my EMT-P to give it up now! Plus I can't even begin to express how much depth it's added to my nursing practice. You can't really explain it to someone who hasn't been there, either...sort ...
  14. Hello & Question

    Great reply, Chris. Sadbulldog, the only thing I have to add is this: The hospital I worked at while I was completing the program (Regents back then) had a small but decent library. I was able to get virtually all of my textbooks on loan from them,...
  15. Excelsior Nurses

    Dito and likewise to the above posts. I never had any problem finding a job, and neither did any of the Regents/Excelsior grads that I know. Maybe there's something else going on?
  16. The previous posters have all had good advice for you. All I have to add is that the program is much harder than a lot of people think. Be diligent. Study hard. KNOW the material in the study guides backwards, forwards, and in your sleep. Apply...
  17. Top Ten Nursing Home Games

    LOL-- Makes me think of my partner when I was riding ambulance full time a few years ago-- He got into a wheelchair and did his best toothless geezer imitation, hauling butt down the hall and singing "Now your're messing with a son of a *****" at the...
  18. OMG! I CRIED today!!

    When you stop caring enough to cry occasionally, it's time to find a new job... Granted, you need to be in control of yourself. During a code or critical moment, you must DO YOUR JOB WITHOUT FAIL--your patients and their families are depending on yo...
  19. In desprate need of help!

    Shellsie, In the last few days or so I had seen something similar at work but can't recall specifics because we don't deal with longer-term IV access as a rule (I work flight and ED--Heaven help us if we have our patients that long!). But your quest...
  20. A students perspective...

    What a powerful story. You're a heckuva nurse already. Please don't let this situation get you too cynical; cynicism is too close to negativity, and we have too much of that already. Be aware that levels of care, even by like-prepared providers,...
  21. Taping Trauma In Trauma Room

    I agree with the above posters--there are too many legal issues involved with this. If the purpose is training, they should detail an observer for traumas and debrief it later. No video, limited written records. It's too easy for non-medically tra...
  22. Nurse Stabbed!

    "We don't discuss hospital security measures with the public," Adkins said, adding, "In an emergency room, the first priority is taking care of the medical needs of patients." Wow! That says it all right there! Maybe if their first priority was sa...
  23. "But PLEASE you wonderful ER people ( cause I love to float there- I think delivery nurses have some of the same personality traits going on because we are always waiting for something unexpected)....WHAT is the thing about you and pregnant patients?...
  24. ER Nurses Tips + Tricks

    JJFrog, It's "Nobody Does It Better", the theme from an old Bond movie--sorry, can't remember exactly which one. Carly Simon sang it. Dakota
  25. Tsystem

    I'm pretty sure there's a T-system for nursing. Our physicians have been using it here for a few years and, after some "growing pains", won't give it up! We've gotten complaints about them being impossible to pull up on a computer (at least so far ...