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All Content by howsoon

  1. Glycemia and the non diabetic patient

    We do not check glucose on our non-diabetics before or after treatment.
  2. Test Banks - Surely Not

    So, every time I go out on ebay or places like, overstock, etc. & look for my next semester books, I keep seeing "test banks" for sell. What's the deal? Surely these people don't actually have the test banks from the publisher, do they...
  3. Required to watch circumcision?

    I also am against RIC & have 3 intact sons. During school I (against my initial will) did watch a circ. I am actually glad I did so that I have 1st hand knowledge when arguing against RIC. It was hard to watch & I eventually want to get in...
  4. Tips for learning vag exams

    Yes, LOVE the book. I think every female should read it! I know my daughter will once she gets her period.
  5. Tips for learning vag exams

    I couldn't agree more with Nurseynightnight! I learned to check mine after reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is amazing what we DON'T know about our own bodies!!
  6. Cardiac Meds

    Need help from experienced RNs. I am a new grad RN working on a cardiac telemetry unit. I am trying to form a cheat sheet of all cardiac/HTN meds that require counting pulse for 1 min or blood pressure check before administering. Any help would be...
  7. NCLEX Today & Kaplan

    Hello everyone! I'm scheduled to take my NCLEX in about 3 hours & I'm !! I did Kaplan review & some of LaCharity. I just talked to Kaplan & she told me that a score of 67% on the readiness test (what I made) shows a 98% chance of passin...
  8. Need end-of-shift report sheet!

    These are great guys! Thanks for posting.
  9. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    The trick worked for me! Official results say "Passed"!! I'm an RN! Woo Hoo!!!
  10. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I took Nclex today at 12:30. I got 75 questions. I checked Pearsonvue 2 hours later & it said "delivery successful" however, I couldn't bring myself to try to register until a couple of hrs after that. Anyway, I got the good pop up & am su...
  11. NCLEX Today & Kaplan

    Finally worked up the courage to do the trick.............. Got the good pop up!!!!!!! I really hope this trick is accurate!!
  12. NCLEX Today & Kaplan

    Thanks! I had 75 questions. 12 SATA, 13 Priority & 6 other alternative questions. I'm so glad that's over but not sure I think it went. I'm too scared to try the trick. Maybe I will later tonight.
  13. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I take my NCLEX RN this Thursday. Does anyone know how long after completion of the exam I should wait before trying "the trick?" Thanks!!
  14. Jeff State Grads or Soon to be Grads

    I am trying to figure out where to do my preceptorship. If you have graduated from Jeff State or are in your last semester at Jeff State, will you list where you did you preceptor (hospital & area/floor) & what you're experience was (like di...
  15. Questions about BSN requirement for Nurse Anesthesia Programs

    I've wondered this also. Interested in other's input.
  16. Jeff State Grads or Soon to be Grads

    Thanks for the replies guys. Keep 'em coming, I'm interested in hearing about as many experiences as I can.
  17. Frontier CNM after previous FNP?

    This has nothing to do with your question :), but are the Vandy classes traditional classroom classes or do they offer online coures? Thanks!!
  18. Student Resources: RN-NCLEX Review Materials

    Thanks so much for this!!
  19. So, we have another doseage calculation test tomorrow & Pit / Mag rates will be on this one. I'm pretty confident in saying that we never went over these & they are not in the Calculate with Confidence text that we use. Can someone, anyone,...
  20. Need Help with Pit/Mag Calculations

    Thanks everyone for all the responses. I am able to work the rest of these problems using this method. However, if anyone out there knows another method to solve the pitocin question I would be interested in seeing it. I am a proportion girl &...
  21. Jeff State Fall '09 Hopefuls??

    Hey guys. I'm in the JS program & just wanted to let you know one of my instructors said orientation would be the week of July 14th so I'm betting you guys start getting letters tomorrow. I would have loved this info when I was waiting on lette...
  22. I'm sure this has been asked before but.......... I'm currently in MedSurge & will be taking my Fundamentals ERI this upcoming Monday. This will be the 1st "real" ERI I have taken as the only other one was the one that tells you about your study...
  23. ERI Question for those who have done it

    Thanks for the repies. I bought my Saunders NCLEX book & have started reviewing it. I'm also doing the practice exams on the ERI site. Thanks again.
  24. "Eyes & Thighs"

    KateRN1 - I think you are my kind of mama:) As a mom of 4 selectively vac'd children, 3 of whom are boys & intact - it irks me when others assume I am "uninformed" when infact I'm MORE informed than the majority who blindly come in & accept t...
  25. Question RE uniforms for Jeff State

    I would be interested in the M top if you still have it. Just pm me. Thanks!!!