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All Content by DesertRoseAZ

  1. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    I just got tested on Chapters 5&6 and I think I did pretty well. Next Monday is a test on Chapters 8,9,10,&12, which we just finished learning today. Now only a little bit on Chapter 14 and then starts reviewing for the final. We skipped 7,11...
  2. Help

    If you get turned down at first, work on BSN/ADN program requirements while you're waiting to get in. This way you'll be a little ahead and can raise your GPA, which is good for nursing school. Maybe you should make an appointment with your career co...
  3. Best Ways to Keep Alert?

    Well, so far I've been just getting a nap in during the day. I got to class 7am-11:30a, and take the bus and get home around 12:30pm. Study a bit, relax, and nap at 3pm usually. It's the only thing keeping me going.
  4. Cellular Bio Tips?

    That looks like my list, minus details....
  5. Cellular Bio Tips?

    I'm doing Bio for health pros, and the book is called Cell and Molecular Principles, so I guess I can help a bit. So far, these areas have been big focuses in my class: -Cellular Respiration (Krebs Cycle, Glycolysis,Electron Transport Chain) -Passive...
  6. Classes at two schools?

    I don't see why not. When I went to college after high school in 2003 I was attending the University of Arizona and Pima Community College.
  7. AP I Summer '08 - I need some study online buddies!!!

    I'm doing A&PI in my 2nd summer session. Starts July 7th!
  8. What makes an excellent instructor?

    What makes an instructor excellent?Someone who not only knows the material they teach well, but you can also tell they have a great love and excitement in relation to the subject they teach. If they aren't interested, I won't be either. Sometimes the...
  9. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Do you have to buy books for online classes? What book? If you have the book with the white pelican on it and it has the CD still, use it! That has practice tests and activities and has really helped me. Flashcards are my staple too. Also, how do yo...
  10. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Score! Turns out the test I thought I bombed on Monday....I got a 95% on!
  11. Help Pretty please with sugar on top

    Try reading this:
  12. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Crap. Took the test today and it was a lot different/harder. For the last FIVE tests the instructor reviewed the test by going over each test question in front of her and using it to tell us what we would be quizzed on. This one was not the same. I k...
  13. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    I cannot wait to be done with this Bio class. I'm tired of studying cells and molecules; I can't wait until it's time to take anatomy in 2nd session. 3 more weeks to go!
  14. 35/f Married w/3 kids I am too old ?

    As long as you can perform the essential functions of nursing when you graduate, you'll be fine :)
  15. I am so nervous!!!

    I'm sure if this school doesn't accept you, there are others you can get into. Don't fret about that. As for your job, you may have jumped the gun a bit, but you might be able to do damage control. Since you've been with your employer for 7 years, I'...
  16. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    How many weeks is your class? I know RN28MD's is 6 weeks, mine is actually 5. You'll most likely be covering either one chapter a day if you have the lab and lecture in the same class day like I do, or possibly 2 chapters a day if you have it on sepa...
  17. What is your major?

    I suppose Applied Science, and then when I get into the program, Applied Science-Nursing.
  18. When you graduate what part of nursing are you going into?

    I'm thinking about ER. I like new things everyday, so that sounds fun. However my mother was an ER nurse for many years and a patient hurt her bad. She now had a fusion, plate and screws, and an intrathecal pain pump pumping meds for her neck. This...
  19. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    As long as you study enough, you should be fine. I have done 4 quizzes and one test so far and have gotten 4 As and a B.
  20. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    phases of mitosis: epithelial tissue:
  21. How many classes and what classes are you taking?

    Look into summer school, that might speed up your pre-reqs a bit. Since you work full time, if you're taking a science in the summer I would recommend only 1 per summer session since it's very condensed in a short period of time. Currently I am taki...
  22. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Did you look in your bookstore?
  23. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen? That's killer. luckily we don't do essays or Chapter work. We just do labs and tests. If you need any help, let me know :)
  24. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Good idea!
  25. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    RN28MD-How many chapters is your instructor covering per day?? This is the end of week 2 for me and we just went over Chapter 5. Monday is a test on chapters 4 & 5. Flashcards are DEFINITELY helping me a lot. So much in fact that I'm needing less...