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All Content by DesertRoseAZ

  1. Anyone taking A&P I this summer 08

    I love when people say 'no offense' when they follow it with a nasty comment. If you're going to be rude, at least man up to it. That was really rude. You have no right to tell another person how they should be spending their time. He also said he wa...
  2. Anyone taking A&P I this summer 08

    So, exam for Bio156 is Monday and then that's over. A&P, here i come on July 7th!
  3. I am so depressed

    I hear you Csantos (but on a much smaller scale-I'm not as busy as you-yet!). I just look at how well I've been doing and know it's worth it. OP, don't get too down on yourself. We don't always do good on every test. If you let it get to you it might...
  4. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    I did the Tissue Exam on the Microscopes today, I think I missed a couple because 2 slides looked like the same thing (and that's not allowed), so one might be wrong. Meh.
  5. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Aaaaah! Only have to take the final in the testing center on Monday and then I'm DONE with Bio156!
  6. I almost changed my major because of chem...

    Hmm, I'll be taking it with APII. Those are the only two prereqs i'll have left and then it's time to apply! Eff you Chem, you will NOT mess this up for me! Imma gonna use that chemist husband of mine!
  7. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Argh. Chem. Thanks though.
  8. I almost changed my major because of chem...

    Ouch, a C? *frets*
  9. Any older people in pre-nursing?

    There's no getting over the 'old' feeling in a lot of prereqs; heck I'm 23 and I feel old in my Bio class! Just know that you have the advantage of more focus, study habits, etc than most younger people. Good luck!
  10. A&P II or Microbiology for 10 wk summer?

    I hope you do well in your 10 week! Me, I'm going to be cramming A&PI into a 5 week summer course!
  11. I almost changed my major because of chem...

    No calming thoughts from my end, just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel!I'm putting Chemistry off for as long as possible (fall semester) and I'm terrified. I tried it in 2003 at university when I was doing a different major and I lasted all ...
  12. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Only 5 days left! Mon- Test on chapters 8,9,10, and 12 Tue- Connective Tissue Quiz Wed- Tissue Microscope Exam Thur-? Mon-Final
  13. Anatomy II before Anatomy I?

    Most schools will say the pre requisite for II is I.
  14. Anatomy II before Anatomy I?

    To add to my post: Another reason you should be taking I is to understand II that much easier. There's no use in memorizing something, you need to also UNDERSTAND the material, as anatomy and physiology is very important to nursing.
  15. Anatomy II before Anatomy I?

    There's a reason there's I and II: one follows the other.
  16. Best Ways to Keep Alert?

    What are your best techniques for staying alert and functional when you have to study a lot and don't get a lot of sleep? I have been using 5 hour energy shots and caffeine, but I know that's not very healthy. Is there really even a choice, or do you...
  17. No reason to be like that. You've cleared up some confusion and all is well. No need to stop posting :)
  18. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    I'm gaining weight. Go figure. Blah. Csantos, when the heck do you study?
  19. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    LOL, I just had a packet of Ramen and a bag of popcorn. Bad I know. I feel like my brain is rebelling new information.
  20. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Gah, I'm so tired my head hurts. I have to just let myself get one decent night of sleep tonight. But I also have another quiz on epithelial tissues tomorrow. We started tissues on Tuesday and we still have 3 sections to go (out of 4, one section too...
  21. Go ASN or BSN first???

    You can probably take many of the pre reqs for the ASN/BSN while you wait. Just ask your counselor. You might be able to do things like Micro ,etc while you wait. Just can't do the clinicals while you wait...
  22. Microbiology FIRST EXAM (FAILED) :[

    If your teacher sounds positive and helpful, I wouldn't give up just yet, You could still potentially do well in the class if you really ace the rest of the assignments. I would make a final decision at the last minute (drop date). Think carefully, b...
  23. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    Here's the link: However, you cannot do the tests without creating an account using the code that comes with the CD in the book. not sure if it will work without the CD period...
  24. Help

    BSN is a 4 years degree, ADN/ASN is a 2 year degree. For more info I can't stress enough:see a counselor. Better yet, get the email of the Dean of Nursing or whoever the head of the nursing department is and email them with any questions you have.
  25. Anyone taking Biology summer 2008

    I'm glad we don't have to do lab reports or quizzes. We just do the labs in a group and show her the answers we got. Half the time she doesn't even check that we did the labs.