

ER, education, mgmt

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All Content by cookienay

  1. Best ER Nurse quotes

    Patient comes in to triage being carried by his buddy shouting "WE NEED HELP!!" Well, immediately I see ABC's are ok, so I bring him in and he says he was "sitting there minding his own business and some guy comes up and stabs him in the leg." He is ...
  2. Flu shot policy at your hospital....(m)

    Where are you that flu season has not started? I am jealous. It is kicking our tail in our ER and has been for a month. Several physician's offices have run out of vaccines in my area. Hopefully you won't get it as hard as we are. And it is only Octo...
  3. Inappropriate Demands

    A long time ago, I was called to a patient's room and she had at least 5 visitors. The patient was sitting up, alert, coherent, talking, and visiting with these healthy, engaged, and animated family members who all walked in under their own power. T...
  4. Patient or Client?

    At my facility, our administration and organizational development people call them "customers", but the nurses and physicians call them patients and we always will.
  5. And he was tasered before they got him in the four points. help me.
  6. New nurse needs objective advice

    Twoangels, I agree with talking to your doctor first. It may be better to leave because of a temporary disability than to resign after only two months. In many places, leaving during your probationary period is an automatic "not eligible for rehire...
  7. Big dilemma please give me some advice!!

    I would advise looking into a different program. A waitlist is not completely unexpected, but 6 years to complete a 2 year degree is ridiculous. (But then again, I do not live in CA). How about a BSN program? the waitlist should not be any longer ...
  8. acd?

    ACD can also refer to acute contact dermatitis which would require isolation if it resulted from a parasitic infection (such as scabies). Yikes! I'm itching already!
  9. OP- perhaps if you cross referenced this post on the nursing education forum and asked nursing educators what recommendations they would have if their students were experiencing this? they are more familiar with the academia culture and the expect...
  10. Perceptions on childhood vaccinations

    I am curious what a College of Design has to do with childhood vaccinations. Am I missing something?
  11. Gossiping amongst nurses

    Some days, that is the only reason I go into work...just to catch up on the gossip. Is that bad?
  12. I suck.

    Here is a thought... maybe they are putting you in the warzone because they know you can handle it. But we all suck at some point- you will get better I promise!!
  13. Scribes in the ED

    Our docs use scribes. They can be a help to the docs but a pain to the nurses. The nurses don't like it when the scribes make our jobs harder. Just be sensitive that the nurses have a job to do, too. If you would like clarification or more info, you ...
  14. Clinical Decision Units

    Our facility has a CDU. It is not considered part of the ED. They have their own staff (who also work other areas, I believe). don't know for certain how things run up there, but we have nothing to do with it. They are closed on weekends (unless need...
  15. IM Injections

    To Justice- to answer your questions regarding landmarking IMs...I have been practicing for 17 years and I still landmark EVERY IM injection. Good practice, takes 3 seconds. The reason is (especially with obese patients) is that fat distribution vari...
  16. Six Blood Products available???? HELP

    RhoGam is also considered a blood product
  17. No need to be sick of HIPPA- it is basically what we have been doing all these years anyway. HIPPA legislation changed day to day practice very little, IMO. Your manager/administration just has no concept of what it actually is, unfortunately. Now J...
  18. There is no HIPPA violation here, your manger is crazy. Sounds like you may need to lawyer up.
  19. Is Texting legal

    This practice is most likely in violation with the read back and verify standard set forth by JCAHO. How does he get all of your personal cell nubers?? At the very least I would keep my cell in my locker, car, purse at work and force him to call in...
  20. Go find your patient

    mmtuk, I most definitely got the point. your point just happens to be different than mine. The OP had a duty to act. The OP did not act in a prudent manner and a jury or BON would most likely agree. Regardless of EMTALA, MSEs, triage, etc... the main...

    Chrissy- my facility is hiring and thriving and I love working here. What is your area of specialty? PM me if you would like more info. Don't want to post identifying info on public forum.
  22. Go find your patient

    OK, it most certainly is the nurses's job to locate the patient. While he/she may not physically be the one to look, we are the ones responsible for their safety. And if I remember the original post correctly, this is not "finding more patients". thi...
  23. RN acting as a Mid-Level provider

    We have these physician extenders as well. They are RNs who see patients, write orders as directed by their physician, and do initial dictation. The physicians then do a follow up with the patients, review what the extender has documented, does his/h...
  24. ICU nurses attitude toward med-surg nurses

    I have to say that I have seen this...they eye rolling while giving report, the hostile questioning "why did you do THAT?". When I worked the floor, the behavior was much more apparent than as an ER nurse. Fortunately, over the years, our hospital...
  25. Go find your patient

    Ok, even though thinkertdm may have been "harsh" in his wording, unfortunately for the OP he is correct. MB brings up the wonderful point of safe and prudent as well. Had there been a poor outcome, the OP would not have a leg to stand on. Neither w...