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All Content by flygirl43

  1. I want your staffing horror stories. . .

    I nurse to 13 fresh postops
  2. Have you quit in disgust?

    Your simplifying a situation that may/has become critical for the public. When 89% of nurses on one unit quit annually, what kind of care do you think is being provided. And why is mgmt not held to task? This is way out of line with provincial/state ...
  3. Leaving Nursing...

    I completely understand!!!! It's sad! Good luck!!
  4. I need encouragement.....

    We all have dreams....follow them and create your future. Never live someone elses "version" of your life. Live it for you, and you will be the best role model for your kids....ever!!!!!!! No one knows you, like you!!!!!!
  5. What the....??

    No...honestly, it doesn't get any better
  6. Frustrated with Leadership!!!

    Alot of corporations dont have a clue about retention! Do as Im doing. Quit until you find a decent job! We are far to educated and valuable for crap like this!!!!!
  7. To care for people, and make a difference! Then I woke up!
  8. Have you quit in disgust?

    Im going back to school for perioperative nursing. Hope it will be better. Just couldn't handle senior staff telling junior staff how stupid they were all the time. They even alienated a minority nurse who worked with us (she was very nice) they refu...
  9. Have you quit in disgust?

    Thankyou for your support. Ive been very sad!
  10. Fired for refusing to draw blood without an order.

    your employer has no respect for you professionally. Quit!!!
  11. Calling Docs by their first name...

    Rob does a job, and so does Bob!!!! Your education and profession should'nt elevate you above others. A job is a job!!! Bob!!!! There is too much of this in our profession. This is why Drs treat us like crap. Equality stems from humanity!!!!
  12. the RN's appearance

    It's about your professional ability. How dare anyone judge me on my appearance!!!!!
  13. Will you work during a Pandemic?

    No!!!! My family didn't sign on to be a nurse. They are more important to me than my job!
  14. Am I Just a Cynic or Is nursing a poor career?

    Here, here!!!!!!! I totally understand how you feel!!!!!! Why is it, that we are not valued human beings at work. Martyrdom! Gimme a break!!!! Nursing is tragic at times. The worse part is how we treat each other!!!!! Pts and their familys don't have...
  15. the RN's appearance

    Give me a break!!!! Just because we are RNs, doesnt mean we are supposed to be puritan. WE ARE HUMAN!!!!!! Yes, I wear makeup, dye my hear and have a life!!!!!! No i do not have long nails (infection control) I value my appearance, am highly educated...
  16. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    We've all been there. The answer is yes. So sad!!!!!