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All Content by flygirl43

  1. Religion is a personal issue and does not belong in the education system, the work place or any other forum. Once's should remain that way....keep it to yourself!!!!
  2. Questions..please help

    i am considering writing my Nclex and doing some travel nursing in Florida (I am Canadian). I have a retired common law spouse with a pension. Can he get a green card? He is a dive master and wants to teach while we are down there. Another question.....
  3. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    It's all about respect> I don't care if you have had a bad day at home. It happens to us all! Respect is part of professionalisim! If we don't take care of each other, we are out in the yard with the dogs!
  4. Questions..please help

    Im unsure of the whole process. just starting the "ball" rolling. My partner works for Toronto Fire and is retiring very soon. We are both VERY AVID scuba divers and fishing people. Have spent several months in the keys and "blown off" work to do thi...
  5. What is the Law for Nurses taking breaks?

    Your not "on the job" if your not being paid because its a labour law mandated break!
  6. What is the Law for Nurses taking breaks?

    I agree. If your on break, your off! I smoke. If Im outside having a puff, Im not going to hear a code blue. I leave my pts when they are stable...and with a good report, just as all nurses should. If your pt goes sour while your on's my ...
  7. How to stay in shape???!!

    We all eat at certain meal times...not when we are hungry. I lost 50 lbs and kept it off for years, by only eating when I was actually hungry...and being very aware of portion size. I walk 5 miles a day after work LOL.....I am 5"2" and weigh 105 now....
  8. What is the Law for Nurses taking breaks?

    In my province, we don't get paid for labour law mandated breaks....doesn't matter if we take them or not. I would assume, that while you are on your break, you are free to spend it as you like....especially if your not being paid for them. You are n...
  9. My family can't believe nurses don't get breaks

    This is so true....but in all honesty....what other profession do you know, where basic labour law is not enforced? You need to take your breaks, have time for yourself. You will provide better pt care!
  10. Sleep Disorders

    After nursing for 7 yrs...I have developed a severe sleep disorder. I have gone up to 18 days without significant REM sleep. Needless to say, I'm off on disability until I retrain. Has anyone else gone through this? I developed severe cardiac issues ...
  11. Sleep Disorders

    Was on sleep meds...finally off that!!!!!! Ive seen a sleep specialist. They suggested I find another career lol!!!!! iM OK AS LONG AS i DONT DO NIGHTS. rETRAINING (DIALYSIS) Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what they have done ...
  12. Nurses working midnights and sleep disorders

    I have had severe sleep issues for 5 yrs. Resulted in ++++ tachycardia and hypertension. Quit. Looking for straight daysd (dialysis????) Figured out, some of us just can't do shifts! Good luck.
  13. Sleep Disorders

    It's not the norm in Ontario....however, most corporations follow the collective agreement and allow accomodation. But not always
  14. Should I go ahead and call staffing?

    Why are you being a martyr?
  15. forced vaccines

    Your not poking me....where is the concern re: MRSA CDif? Are they swabbing. Gimme a break!!!!!!
  16. How to deal with pt's sexual advances?

    Report them to mgmt...if it continues w/o mgmt intervention....human rights comission and union....go snakey!!!!!
  17. My pt. punched her SO...

    Im thinking...anger mgmt...and a dose of reality for pp mom...get a grip. Advise her....NO MORE PROCREATION!!!!!!
  18. Unsafe Nursing

    Quit. They're unsafe. That's not enough orientation. It's your licence on the line. There is a nursing shortage. Vote with your feet!
  19. All critism and no thanks

    I know the feeling...I'm off on stress leave for the same. I suggest you rethink your career, as I am doing, and find a more user friendly field. They will eventually get it, when all their nurses leave. Your physical and mental health is more import...
  20. Need Advice -should I stay?

    Your job is not worth your health....leave. You will be so happy in a few me!!!
  21. If you weren't a nurse what other job would you like to do?

    I wouldnt be in health care....I would go where the money is...Business
  22. Will you work during a Pandemic?

    If you worked near Toronto during SARs, your response might be different. What you don't know is, 37 of our colleagues are on permanent life support, intubation d/t SARs. Their lives are destroyed...and nobody cares. We are only as good as our protec...
  23. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    We eat our young....because they taste great! LOL!
  24. Will you work during a Pandemic?

    I worked in Toronto during SARs. We had 1 N95 mask on our trauma unit, and a Dr took it. Are you kidding. If that's the type of protection they offer us (and its what theyve done in the past) Im staying home andd watching tv
  25. Have you quit in disgust?

    I recently ended a 3 yr engagement @ a rural hospital. From the moment I started there I was treated terribly! Bullying and degredation were part of everyday life. We lost 85% of our staff every year to this. We closed 60% of our beds due to understa...