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All Content by flygirl43

  1. Background Check and Credit check???

    I'm shocked and disgusted. Credit info has nothing to do with your work capability. What an invasion of privacy. It should be illegal! (Maybe they'll pay us more.....yeah, right!)
  2. lost all self-esteem

    Dr's are arrogant......don't take it on your shoulders!
  3. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    No question is stupid, irrelevant or irritating. I don't care what the preceptor thinks. If you are intimidated by asking her questions, what kind of training is she providing you? Come on guys, quit eating our young! This is why we work so short sta...
  4. No pharmacist at night?

    Try calling the pharmacist 10 minutes after their shift. You have an order for 30 mg oxy qid and theres none on the page the pharmacist to come in to dispense so the ppt isnt writhing in get the "attitude" My response was........
  5. lazy charge nurses

    I've worked with that charge nurse..grrr....illegal thoughts! It's about pt care....not your status as official dog flicker of the day
  6. Oh...your going to pay your dues alright! No one walks out of nursing school without working brutal shifts, treated like crap and wiping butt. When you get your Masters degree you can move forward and laugh at the rest of us who couldn't afford it. U...
  7. Help! need tips for adjusting to night shift

    Some people just can't do it. It can result in very strange health problems. Get out
  8. Stand At Attention!!

    Welcome to the new world of nursing....caring, compassion, respect, dignity and empathy with no old world military strings......just kindness and skill!
  9. Help...references

    I graduated in 2003. Worked in a teaching facility for 2 years, did well, great references, loved it. Then....I moved to a rural community (love country life) From the minute I stepped on the floor, toxic would be the understatement of the yr. We wen...
  10. Your ehausted drive is illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a risk to other drivers on the road......the same as an impaired driver. If you do get in an accident, you will be charged.....the same as an impaired driver. You will have no insurance. You could ...
  11. has anyone been mandated to stay over their shift

    FYI: It ias against the law to drive if you have been up for 24 hours. If you get in an accident you will be charged with dangerous driving and have no insurance! How do they expect you to get home? My employer has tried this crap with me. I have 3 d...
  12. Unfair orientation discipline?

    In my experience, nursing as a profession can be one of two things. You either work in a toxic atmosphere with a bunch of psycho nazis who will rip you to shreds at any given chance, or you work with a team who supports you and nurtures you as you gr...
  13. Unfair orientation discipline?

    I ran away from toxicity, just found an awesome new job. There is life after crap. You will do very well, once you get away from them. Good luck and be strong. It's not you, it's them!
  14. Unfair orientation discipline?

    I've worked at a similar facility. My advice...get over wanting to work there and move on. Sounds toxic. It won't get any better. Your a newbie and they have already started their crap. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Do You Want Universal Healthcare?

    You seem very angry at people less fortunate than you. Stop, take a deep breath. Realize, that all of us that "make it" do it on the backs of others. Compassion is the glue of human understanding....HUMANITY!!!!!What a beautiful thing!
  16. Do You Want Universal Healthcare?

    Health care is a basic human right. Be poor and sick/injured. Everyone deserves a certain quality of life, no matter what your social or income status is. The rich do not deserve any better care than the poor. A civilized society recognizes this. We ...
  17. She is sleeping with a patient.............

    You can still report's still about empathy!
  18. She is sleeping with a patient.............

    Sometimes compassion, understanding and empathy can carry us a long way. Love rules. Nosey coworkers with cameras make for a hostile workplace. Be kind!!!!!
  19. New admits at shift change

    Transferring pts at shift change is dangerous. If the pt is unstable, they do not get the appropriate attention during report. Period. You need to talk to your manager
  20. Not allowed to say "I was busy w/ another pt"

  21. She is sleeping with a patient.............

    Are you ever judgemental...I hope you never take care of me or my loved ones. Give it a rest, get a life!!!
  22. Do You Want Universal Healthcare?

    Access to health care should not be based on income. It is a basic human right! All lives are valuable, no matter what the American gov't and HMO's say. I've lived in both the USA, Canada and Europe. Universal health care is a basic human right, and ...
  23. what do nurses hate about doctors?

    How about abusive, disrespectful, arrogant etc, etc, etc...gag!!!!
  24. Nurse calls in because of herpes outbreak

  25. I carry my cell phone at work all the time. I always have it on vibrate, and do not make personal calls. My partner was seriously injured in a fire (he is a fire fighter) while I was at work. I believe I have the right to stay in touch with my family...