


All Content by lorenwithano

  1. please help this LOST nursing student w/ laboratory studies!

    thanks so much!!!! that honestly helped me a bunch! i will have to check out that book and add it to my library of books ive purchased since nursing school. thanks again everyone!
  2. wounds! my headache!

    nursing care as far as nutrition and supplements for a patient with small dime sized lateral malleolus wounds would include?.... im working on a homework assigment... and so far all i have is an increase in protein (found in meat, fish, eggs, poultry...
  3. wounds! my headache!

    wow!!!!!!!!!!! thank you all so much! i knew high protein and calorie were important, but the supplements were my problem. everyone's information was a great help!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. hi everybody! im 20 years old and about 8 months into a 14 month LPN program. the program has been pretty difficult so far (i had no medical background, nor did i take any anatomy or biology in college), but i've managed to pull myself through by stu...
  5. any psych nurses out there???

    hello! im a nursing student, graduating in october. my clinical expierience so far, i have to say, has been extremely boring! except for our short stint at a psychiatric facility... i really enjoyed it and i think mental health is something i might b...
  6. i hope i know SOMETHING when i graduate nursing school!

    to begin with, i am not a very confident person... and when your in nursing school... wow, what personalities! everybody knows more or has more expierience than everyone else... so this does not help when your nervous at clinical or are unsure of how...
  7. hi everybody! im 20 years old and about 8 months into a 14 month LPN program. the program has been pretty difficult so far (i had no medical background, nor did i take any anatomy or biology in college), but i've managed to pull myself through by stu...