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All Content by Guest27531

  1. Cardiac cath nurse being put in procedures with no training

    It is a small lab with two rooms and about 8-10 cases a day + emergencies. Very often they have LHC scheduled and then continue to do ad hoc PCI. Doctors and nurses alike get frustrated when the schedule doesn't move along but the quality care is a...
  2. Cardiac cath nurse being put in procedures with no training

    Thank goodness you were able to transfer back to your old job! The cath lab where you work sounds like a house of horrors and you are well rid of it. I shudder when I think about the patients because, with what you describe, there are seriously bad...
  3. I am so confused I don't know what to do

    Take a deep breath... You need to get a few things in order in your life. Obviously, you need to get your financial situation back on track. Since your Community College won't release your transcripts until you have paid the money you owe them, tha...
  4. is anyone else in CUNY hell?

    Sounds like good training for the real world of nursing.
  5. HELP! Social question-over the line?

    You developed a new friendship and what you do with your friends is personal. I would have said this even if you were currently working, however, your maternity leave should help make this even clearer. Who you have stay in your home is your busine...
  6. Why is there blood loss?

    Hip replacement procedures are extremely "bloody" procedures so it is not uncommon to provide blood transfusions as prophylaxis.
  7. switch careers later?

    If you are "older" and know how to study better now then I recommend switching back to nursing right away. If you graduate with a nursing degree and cannot find a job as an RN right away you will be able to get any job that you could have gotten wit...
  8. OR vs ICU

    Experience in the ICU is not particularly helpful in the OR. The nature of the nursing activities are worlds apart - ICU is focus patient monitoring at a high level while OR nursing involves very little patient monitoring. On the other hand, OR nur...
  9. Considering nursing...need advice!

    I'm sorry your chosen profession has not worked out the way you hoped. I will assume you have checked out all the other available options for music teachers in your area so I will not talk about that and from what I know about Music Therapy in hospi...
  10. Reimbursement Question

    Unless it is a specific program (like working in an underserved area with loan forgiveness) the tuition reimbursement is a benefit of employment. You must be working full time when you start the course (sometimes you must apply for permission to hav...
  11. Dept. of Human Services nurse ??

    It sounds like a Public Health Nurse which is a generic description and a government (usually state or city) job. The specific job could be almost anything in the community so you would need to interview to find out the specifics.
  12. OR vs ICU

    The nature of the autonomy is different and the degree of autonomy in the ICU probably depends a great deal on your hospital. In my hospital, a teaching hospital, there is little opportunity to assist with procedures because there are so many intern...
  13. OR vs ICU

    Both are good choices to experience the variety in nursing. While you are the only one who can make the decision about what is right for you at this time, I will share my thoughts as I have worked in both the OR and the ICU. PAY - I know of no hospi...
  14. what is difference roles of RN and RT

    The two are so different I'm not even sure how to start answering your question.
  15. Non-pharm interventions for very high blood pressure?

    You should discuss the nature of the problem with each patient's doctor to see if there are long-acting medications can help solve the problem.
  16. Volunteering = Experience?

    I'm so sorry you can't find work. The jobs will start to open up for new grads in the next few years but right now I know it seems impossible. I recommend you keep your current job in the OR and continue school so you will have the BSN. You may ac...
  17. What are my chances of getting an RN job in NYC?

    New grads from any program are finding it difficult to get a job these days. If you are moving to NYC before having a job you should be prepared to spend months without a job in nursing so you should consider how you will support yourself. Your best...
  18. If you could rewind and do it over again...

    I can see that "puzzle" or "patient" might be confusing since both are addressed. Look, for a moment, at an End of Life situation. A 95 year old frail woman with a history of advanced liver failure comes into the hospital with a chief complaint of ...
  19. If you could rewind and do it over again...

    That would be an odd question for a nurse to ask but I just re-read your post and see that you haven't decided where your interest lies. It seems like you are trying to investigate the differences before you commit and that is wise. Let me say, for...
  20. Pre-Pharmacy gone Pre-Nursing

    Congratulations! I think you have made a wise decision. Anyone considering becoming a pharmacist must be intelligent and, unfortunately, the day-to-day job that pharmacists are asked to do doesn't use that intelligence. Nursing is challenging and ...
  21. Advice for the New Cardiac RN

    You won't need to learn "to read a 12-lead ECG". In fact, only someone who had completed cardiology fellowship actually "reads" an ECG (although you would be hard-pressed to get an MD to acknowledge that fact). The rest of us need basic arrhythmia ...
  22. At what point did you start feeling like a nurse?

  23. Nursing theory is important to nursing practice in the same way Philosophy is important to living. We all know that in life not everyone studies Philosophy but, whether they know it or not, everyone lives by a philosophy. Studying a little philosop...
  24. Should i consider taking this job?

    I didn't know that either so I googled it. STNA = State Tested Nurses Aide
  25. Steps of becoming nurse

    I love the way you plan...I actually started out in a BSN program at the University of Texas but life had other plans for me...I had to regroup and restart exactly from where you are. Planning the way you are is exactly how I got where I am today (e...