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All Content by redwinggirlie

  1. What field of nursing would you NEVER consider working?

    Whoa, girl! I just read your response. Not everyone who works in long term care gets or gives crappy care as you stated. I don't work in LTC, but I know there are good people out there. As far as any other area of nursing, we can find "crappy" people...
  2. What field of nursing would you NEVER consider working?

    Anything administrative.
  3. Nursing Duties With A BSN

    Check out the millions of other posts about the duties with bsn and adn. Also, nursing isn't a paperwork job.
  4. Did you ever "neglect" a patient???

    Abandonment= lost license
  5. Good Hospitals for New Grads in Tucson

    So we should only work at hospitals with rich people? Sorry, had to say that. Your comment struck a nerve. I do not work at Kino, which is now affiliated with the University of Arizona, but I do work at St. Mary's and we see many of the same people. ...
  6. Can any RNs tell me if this is true

    If you are taking the med for a chronic back problem, perhaps you could look into providing services which don't cause stress on your back. I know looking for another line of work was not your question, but if something does happen and someone is on ...
  7. what is orientation all about for first days nurses?

    A good orientation should be at least 6 weeks for a new grad, longer if they decide they more time. You work along with other nurses, your preceptor, and learn all there is to know about the unit, the policies, the care you are giving your patients.....
  8. Burn unit job offer

    I started on a burn unit as a new grad. Don't let the burn title fool you, as you will also be taking care of other acute medical needs of the patient at the same time. It's a great opportunity for you!
  9. What's your favorite procedure?

    Debriding wounds, burns.
  10. Can't stop the nightmares- please help

    See someone. Soon. Be well.
  11. is this child abuse?

    Thanks for being dilligent.
  12. need advice please

    Go now.
  13. Bad Nurse...Need Advice

    Has anyone talked with her?
  14. How do I provide the care the residents need in such little time?

    Also, I defy anyone to tell me they feel comfy at breakfast in a hospital johnny.
  15. How do I provide the care the residents need in such little time?

    My reasoning on this issue goes back to my days at in home care: You get people dressed and up for meals. Too many people get the boost in bed and get left alone. Next time you "boost" someone up, take a look at their tray afterward. Did they eat? Di...
  16. Adjusting to night shift

    I am the same type of person as you. I like the early to bed routine. I did not do well on the three days in a row. I preferred two on one of one on. But, all I did was sleep on that off day. It was a good thing, though, as I was rested for all of m...
  17. Funny Names for Nurses

    A dentist named Dr. DeKay and a veterinarian named Dr. Bone. Love it!
  18. What's your story? Why did you take up nursing?

    They got to you, too? I thought it was just me! :rotfl:
  19. Please Help!!!!!-Advice needed!

    Try making a list of the pro's and con's of working at each place or perhaps posting here and finding out what people think of each place. If you could change the fact your interview was bad, would you think differently about the second job? Trust yo...
  20. what should i do while waiting?

    Ummmmm, live? Read about things pertaining to your goal. Go do those things you want to. STOP checking the mail 19 times a day! LOL Volunteer..... it's a good thing.
  21. Adjusting to 12.5 hour nights

    I don't think it is really an age thing, I think it depends on the person and how they manage their days off. I work with nurses from 24 to 54 years old and then some. Everyone has their own formula, and to be honest, it's hard on all. If you can swi...
  22. What we have learned from our patients!!!

    Never say the Q word.
  23. Infection control issue with pts. in precautions

    Everyone should heed precautions. It's irresponsible not to do so. If you find your peers are not, your manager doesn't care, go to infection control. There is isolation for a reason. All should heed.... Be well.
  24. stethoscopes, too heavy?

    I have both a double and a single.... I don't carry them around my neck the whole shift so I don't think weight is an issue when you find the one you like.
  25. How to work with acute-minded nurses in LTC setting?

    As a nurse who works in a hospital and sees many patients from LTC's, I think the situation you describe should be looked upon as a benefit to the residents to prevent a hospital stay. Yes, your facility may be their home, but they are looking for th...