

military acute care

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About openseas

openseas has 20 years experience and specializes in military acute care.

Retired US Navy Corpsman

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  1. Iowa - RN Pay

    I started out as a new LPN in Eastern IA at 19.15/hr. Looking to go back for my BSN just because I LOVE the learning process.
  2. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    Here in N.E. Iowa at a facility (LTC) including vents the pay starts at 18.00 pls a hire-on bons of 5K for LPN's. I would like to know the payscale etc in the Crestview FL. area. Thinking of moving back south.... Thank you Florida LPN's for your i...
  3. LPN Boards

    Took the boards on Wednesday, the test stopped at 85, panicked for two days then found out Friday that I passed. Whew!
  4. LPN Boards

    Dix, Hey stranger!! Thanks for the kind words. I take the test on Weds the on the 9th I should have the results. I will keep you posted. So what are you doing these days? I'm actually working (after being "retired" for the past 2 year) ...
  5. Male Nurses/female Patients

    I find that maintaining a professional attitude goes a long way in gaining accecptance. Address the patient by name and explain what you are doing goes a long way towards acceptance. If you feel it necessary given your particular patient, include a...
  6. Roll Call

    David here. LPN since 03/08. I can grill a great terriaki steak and shrimp combo and make the best guacomole this side of Mexico. In my spare time I enjoy beer, rum, ativan and ambien. David
  7. Any man here dated a fellow female nursing student?

    Yes I dated a fellow student. But if fell apart after about 6 months when her ex talked her into going back to him. I don't think that I will ever allow my heart to be so exposed again. David
  8. After 20 years as a Navy Hospital Corpsman and retiring in 2004 I wanted to be a cop. Well after 4 years of doing 12 hour shifts and being exposed to the worse that society can offer (both bad guys and fellow deputies) I realized that I just had to ...
  9. LPN Boards

    So, for those of you who have taken the IA LPN boards recently....just how tough was it? Anything in particular I and others should know that could ease the process and help in passing it? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    Central Iowa starting pay in a small town LCF for LPN is 14/hr. The larger cities I hear range from 15-17/hr. Anyone working in a VA facility?