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FL NICU RN specializes in NICU.

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  1. FNP or PNP

    So, I am currently an RN in the NICU. I am going back to school--either for a PNP or an FNP. I cannot decide which one! So my question is. If you are an FNP or PNP--where do you work, where have you...
  2. Need post masters PNP online????

    If you have time, I would love to pick your brain about NP programs. I am currently a working RN and I am trying to go back to get my masters and I am having a VERY hard time deciding whether to do...
  3. Funny/happy NICU moments needed

    Plus, it's not always easy to get that pacifier in there with the ET tube. Exactly--that is so true! and half the time if they have an ET tube they are sedated so they really cant hold the pasi in...
  4. Funny/happy NICU moments needed

    obviously its sad if u dont give the baby a paci---thats not what i meant. i meant that havent u ever checked on ur kiddo...the paci that was in has been spit out...and u now glance over to see ur kid...
  5. Funny/happy NICU moments needed

    ill add to the list: -kiddos sucking on their ET tube -cobedded twins -a chronic kiddo finally going home and the parents making their rounds to say bye to everyone because everyone knows them and...
  6. NNP vs PNP vs FNP..which one is for me???

    to santhony--i dont think i would want to be something like PICU in the hospital--but maybe peds med/surg...is that possible for an FNP? or is it out of the SOP? thanks so much that helped a
  7. OK, so I have a dilemma. I hate making decisions and I want to do it all!! I am about to start working in the NICU with my BSN but eventually I am going back to become and NP, but I don't know which...
  8. TEXAS RN's: Is HESI harder than NCLEX?

    i think the HESI's questions are acutally easier, but its easier percentage-wise to pass the NCLEX. you need like an 80% to pass the HESI and only like a 50% to pass the NCLEX. i took HESIs in school...