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All Content by pieWACKet

  1. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    Lee1 wrote "What is the solution??? Nurses should become independent practioners in a much broader sense, more nurses should be on hospital boards, CEOs of hospitals, etc. (Nurses cannot even charge for the work that they do unlike almost any other a...
  2. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    Suzanne, I am really interested in your experience in Thailand.What a great experience you must be having. How did you get there? Its supposed to ba a truly lovely country with beautiful people inside and out. It also puts you in a unique position ...
  3. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    Did I miss something? Noone implied all foreign nurses come from poor countries. And Who said free will should not be excercised? What has been said, certainly I have said it, is that the nations HARDEST hit by the recruitment are the poorest nation...
  4. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    Sorry Liz, that I thought differently. Certainly the concept of free will freely exercised is important to the entire discussion, and the comment important, while my response reflected lack of understanding of your intent.My apologies.
  5. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    Several of the responses to the topic and my comments on my referred to pages seem to imply some sort of hostility by me towards the foreign nurse. "That's why they call it a free country" was one comment that stands out, as though I am in absence o...
  6. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    suzanne4 posted " Why is there such a negativity developing about bringing in foreign nurses?..If you look at it, foreign nurses do not change your salary, or working conditions. They can actually only help you." Liz Responded : "Interesting point. ...
  7. disciplinary nightmare

    Well, Rosie. Your post, initiating this thread, mentioned that you felt terrible, and that you are scared of losing your license. I think your original post asked if anyone knew what you could expect from the process on Jan 4th. It seems there is a...
  8. Geriatrics and constipation

    I worked in home care for 15 years [good for you still doing it despite the misery of paperwork that forced me leave a job I once loved] in Manhattan, and most of my patients were elderly. I can't tell you how many times I encountered persons who rep...
  9. merit wage increases...inquiry

    You write "i have requested merit increase in wages for the last 2 years and have been shuttled back and forth betw the DON and Administrator who have played this good cop-bad cop game with me. now...we have a new administrator who has asked me to jo...
  10. disciplinary nightmare

    Sorry so long, but I have some points I think will help you listed at the bottom of this treatise. You know, I can kind of understand what happened to you as you describe it. In nursing school, yes we signed SN. And yes, we had instructors showing u...
  11. want your opinion

    webbiedebbie, you are referring to what i wrote when you say "Why should management be threatened when we suggest change". Management DOES need to hear our suggestion, and we all need to make them. I do , all the time. And bravo for you in being succ...
  12. want your opinion

    Weezie wrote "i do have some ideas considering they still have the seperate labor rooms and a seperate delivery rooms, etc, i would like to be apart of trying to recruit midwives and ob doc that are women, obtaining funding for the department since ...
  13. Questions For a Few Nurses

    1) Is the nursing salary pretty good? No. It is insufficient to meet market demand as expressed in a longstanding nursing shortage evident since the post WW II era identifiable by occasional periods of silent alleviation, and painful, occasional per...
  14. want your opinion

    You say: "How can I let them see my side for someone who is ready willing and able to do the job with greatenthusiasm for the profession I feel i would be a great assest to their floor and have a lot of ideas for improving their ob department." All ...
  15. Pharmaceutical Companies are taking YOUR money!!

    This talk of drug reps and the insinuation of need of market through our practice is certainly worthwhile, but a larger view of the sinister role of the pharmaceutical corporations to the greater nursing issues is relevant. We as nurses suffered cut...
  16. pay scale- why so hush hush??

    caroladybelle said "However, the two unionized hospitals that I have worked had possibly the most lazy, donothing staffers among the unionized staff (the RNs were not union). Many of these people I would not want caring for my worst enemy. " Ok, so ...
  17. Is the Nursing Shortage Ending?

    I suspect, after reading your post, and the abstract of the article [the full article being unavailable without subscription] , that you know the answer to this question.I will ,however, take the abstract piece by piece. Before doing so, I will ment...
  18. pay scale- why so hush hush??

    cannoli said it best "They don't want it discussed because they are paying different people different amounts,and don't want it known, because it stinks like rotten fish." That is, UNLESS you work in a union facility. In a union facility you are pai...
  19. Teaching Nursing as a Career

    I think it is a greatly misguided reality of nursing academia that teaching nurses to prospective nurses is confined to those with a masters degree. I also believe that it harkens back to poor nursing image, and that nurse academia reinforces our poo...
  20. When I started nursing in the 80s, we all wore white, a few wore a cap, the [now archaic] reminder of another period in nursing dress. Now, at the hospital where I work, we can wear the color scrubs we want, and most nurses DO choose scrubs..and so ...
  21. Nurses are not Doctors

    "So, naturally I have problems with the nurse practioner being considered an 'advance practice nurse.' In reality they are a doctor's assistant. Our professionalism does not come by being more like a doctor but by being more of a nurse. " Boy you rea...
  22. You know, in communicating last night the anger I felt in hearing your story, I COMPLETELY neglected to answer the second question you posed.."I am wondering if she would have done the same thing if I was a more experienced nurse and did not look l...
  23. excuse my ignorance

    Nurse Practitioners predated Physician Assistants. Nurse Practitioners were created BY nurses to fulfill a need for the underserved; a side effect was, despite the fact that they operated with a supervising physician, doctors wanted control of their ...
  24. YOU DID NOT MAKE A MISTAKE. You entered a wrong room, told the people why you were there, since they hadn't seen you before, they alerted you, before your self checks would have, that you were speaking to the wrong patient, and you did all you had to...
  25. Lack of Voice is without doubt the largest demoninator. This includes within it the subtexts of wage, image, hospital culture and its components. Nurses at the bedside are not valued for their voice, and this cascades into a lack of voice inherent to...