
mpccrn BSN, RN


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All Content by mpccrn

  1. Crazy schedule proposal

    i did that schedule when i started a long time ago. hated it and haven't slept well since.
  2. Ever been shocked during a code?

    i was shocked once a looong time ago when handing off the paddles to the resident. he inevertently hit the buttons when taking them. i remember a buzz, the smell of burnt flesh and him with me the rest of the night, making sure i was ok. it was a loo...
  3. even with actively infarcting patient we only give enough O2 to keep their sats >95%......whatever it takes:smokin:
  4. Deciphering ABG's

    ABG's are pretty easy to interpret. don't let them intimidate you. do it in steps.....Ph, acidotic or alkalotic Co2, high or low or normal O2, high or low or normal HCO3, high or low or normal ...
  5. What is the fasetest way to get an RN license?

    find a 2 year diploma program. you're skilled and employable when you graduate.
  6. ~Sigh~ Nothing like an unexpected death....

    you are a nurse......not just can't fix everyone. know you did all you could and leave it at that. god sometimes has other plans.
  7. Bucks Traction

    i keep it on........bucks is usually a low weight traction, not an issue when boosting someone up in bed
  8. It looks like a RR of 20

    you can tell if a resp rate is regular. there is no reason not to count it for 15 sec and multiply. if however it is irregular, then a full minute is prudent.
  9. the difference between nursing school and the real world? miles and miles and miles and miles
  10. documentation

    i can see why the docs want faxes to be included in the EMR. i can see your concern in transcribing them. Seems the answer is an easy one that will please all parties. Have the department get a scanner. Scan the faxes into the medical record as the d...
  11. question

    usually you are reimbursed after finishing the course with a passing grade.
  12. Starting the admission orders

    i understand how busy an ED can get.....been there. i understand how busy an ICU can there. i agree that patients should be our prime concern and it shouldn't matter who does what. it's not a my turf your turf situation. what is upsetting...
  13. ED staff not checking blood sugars

    thanks for your attention to detail! i specifically said "our ED nurses", not ALL. i also specifically said "when a bed was unavailable for hours". i would enjoy getting report from you. it would be a pleasure to get report from someone that actually...
  14. staffing issues

    ever talk to the person they want to send home and explain that you are in quite a bit of pain? go directly to the source. most times people are human and do the right thing.
  15. CCRN...has anyone taken it

    i'm a ccrn for 20 years now. my feeling about the test is's like medical boards without the benefit of med school. at the time i was certified, it was 80% cardiology. although i agree the more critical care experience you have is bene...
  16. Starting the admission orders

    if you are referring to my post earlier, you might have missed the fact that the time referenced was several hours without a bed available on the unit. i don't expect admission orders to be started in the ED, nor do i think it is appropriate or in yo...
  17. Blood splatter

    after an exposure......and you were exposed, you should have labs drawn as well as the patient to whose blood you were exposed to. if both test negative, follow up labs are usually not required. if you are still concerned, labs in 6 months on yoursel...
  18. "Community" Insulin

    withholding treatment as simple as an insulin injection because you don't have a pen with that patient's specific name on it is just crazy. we use multidose vials so treatment can be administered promptly. i see insulin pens becoming more popular but...
  19. Leaving it at the door

    'burn out" is a cop out. you let it win over you. you are a thinking, caring human being. do the job, maintain a sense of humor. if at the end of the day no one died that wasn't suppose to, those that were supposed to did in as peaceful manner as pos...
  20. Do you think it will change?

    don't take this the wrong way but grow up! there is no orientation program in the world that will prepare you completely. nursing is often on the job training, learn as you go. the principle of see one, do one, teach one is the reality. what you get ...
  21. Are there any positives to being a nurse?

    it takes a special person to be courageous enough to be the last obstacle standing between a person's life and their death. there is no better feeling in the world to know at the end of the day i used my intelligence, wit, inginuity, gut feeling, ski...
  22. brush teeth, comb hair and shave patients......amazing what the little things do
  23. student need a nurse to interview

    1. 30 year critical care 2. honesty is my personal philosophy. it builds a sense of trust between pt. and nurse and family and nurse. i also hold on the the things i learned in fundamentals. there is a person under all those tubes and wires and must ...
  24. tubes

    yes......the things you'd expect to see with an NGT can be expected to be seen with a PEG. the only difference is the point of entry.
  25. ED staff not checking blood sugars

    as unprofessional as it sounds, our ED nurses insist they are "not allowed" to do ANYTHING no specifically ordered by their docs.....not allowed to asses, not allowed to think, not allowed to troubleshoot. reports from them is a nightmare and frankly...