
mpccrn BSN, RN


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All Content by mpccrn

  1. Low Census and on call

    when we get called off for low census,there are 2 designations........available and not needed. the available person runs the risk of being called in for any unit in the hospital while the not needed person is free as a bird and can't be called back ...
  2. ok, this has been driving me nuts for about 4 years now. we have a vascular surgeon at my institution that insists that abd. circumference measurements be done q1hr following his AAA repairs. they are not done in the recovery room but must be documen...
  3. I love it when...

    when patients completely change their stories to the doctor from the one they told the nurse seconds before
  4. How to determine patient acuity

    i worked at a place that was trying to come up with an accuity scale. they had people actually follow us around and time every task required for a was a complete joke and made no difference in how staffing was was still st...
  5. Does carry a personal nursing journal...

    just came from a conference on legal issues involving nursing.....there it was CLEARLY stated that little notebooks or personal renditions of events written down and stuffed under the microwave at home can be and legally have to be made public to any...
  6. Ran to my first code alone...

    we rely on the bedside nurse who is calling the code or the rapid response was her error, not yours IMO
  7. Phenergan & Morphine

    i was in this type of situation before......spent allot of time and energy defending my actions as competent and in good practice.....finally realized that you can't fix preconceptions or others perceptions......i left and found a job where my abilit...
  8. Survey on Alcohol Withdrawal

    i was once told by a MD that there is a 50% mortality with withdrawl and the odds get worse with each withdrawl gets busy but it is no different than a patient presenting with other disease processes....they are patients suffering .....
  9. can you remember your best and worst moment as a nurse?

    perhaps my best and worse day was the same..........18y/o trauma, 6 chest tube, crushed pelvis, retroparitoneal bleed, his circulating blood was not his own many times over......rounds that day ....we have to take him to CT, he'll die if we do.....he...
  10. *Weird* Patient Allergies

    i love the ones that come in with an allergy list of most FDA approved drugs, i almost want to tell them.......why did you come into the hospital, there is no drug we can give
  11. Mandatory OT

    mandatory OT will always be a problem as long as the accountants run the hospital as a buisness. staffing is according to the numbers rather than accuity. they play on the 'sick patients in need of care' card rather than addressing the fundamental pr...
  12. ** "There's A Reason There's A Nurse Shortage!!" **

    nursing is a career probably like any other (sort of) there is good and bad. it's what YOU make it! shift work, high stress, grave responsibilities, babysitting EVERY other department in the hospital, poor benefits and no sick time are just some of t...
  13. recruitiment and retention for the new millennium

    i worked at a regional trauma center and longevity was NOT an advantage, in fact it was detrimental (highest pay scale, most vacation time). the institution made covert attempts at making the lifers life miserable. it was far more adventagous to repl...
  14. Severe Hypoglycemia before Death?

    we often find ourselves working harder on DNR patients. as posted several times before, DNR and comfort care are not the same. i haven't seen severe hypoglycemia too often in the circumstances you have described but theoretically it is possible if th...
  15. Not going to cut it in the real world

    getting through school and the real world have very little in common. school is a basic knowledge....a way to know the ideal which you will then twist to make fit in the real world. it'll give you the ability to know when and how to cut corners and d...
  16. Calcium Gluconate

    i've given it both ways.......straight ivp as well as mixed in a mini bag, however if pushed straight it's 10 minute push......not a second shorter. it's one of the few i actually push correctly.
  17. Is IV CERTIFICATION worth anything?

    it won't get you extra money but is a perk for jobs not to mention it's great in a pinch to be able to start an IV with your patient crashing!
  18. Congestive Heart Failure

    treat her as you would want someone to treat your to her, touch her, smooth her hair....the person things along with the suggestions in the other posts.
  19. Foley catheter question

    my money is on edema, tumor encrochment and/or sediment. we recently had a patient with prostate ca mets with urology inserted foley and were instructed to deflate the balloon if the patient c/o having to pee or pain, pull the catheter back a bit, ir...
  20. Post-mortem care

    hmmm what do you do if you need the bed for a live person???
  21. med problems!

    1. 4.5 ml = 1.5 g 2. 30ml/hr 3. forgot drip calcs a looong time ago. i'd set the pump at 60cc/hr 4. 20ml/hr
  22. Disturbed...

    it takes no special course in school to be compassionate and caring to a dying person. this isn't learned in school. students often have limited assignments and have the time to focus on the "little things" that a dying person can be comforted by. do...
  23. Anyone ever get off "the" List?!

    it has been my experience that once on the "list" always on the list. an easy scapegoat regardless of what you do or don't do, what you say or don't say. always trying to justify your actions to management takes waaaay too much energy when you perfor...
  24. Side rails x 4 and falls

    in my institution, 4 rails is a restraint and needs a doc's order q 24 hours, a restraint sheet documented on q2 hours by nursing
  25. Do you chart on your tele patients

    our tele tech's run a strip and document on the strip that nancy nurse was aware. then it's up to the nurse to explain her actions or lack of them. the strips go into the patient's chart upon discharge so it's part of the medical record for all to se...