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All Content by jodispamodi

  1. Applying for Jobs

    Start applying final semester, most places will hire you with the contingency of passing the NCLEX, and will hold the position. If you have a specific clinical site you like, let the manager know you'd like to work there. Best of luck
  2. Are you discerning with your "likes"?

    For me, I think I am discerning, basically if I see a thread that interests me I open it and read (a few of these are better than soap operas), and if I agree with someones post or comment I like it (I guess as a sign of respect), my threadline doesn...
  3. Flu - Missing Class

    So I'm not sure I understand: Do you actually have the flu? If you do a doctors letter may help your cause but basically the schools rules are the schools rules. In other words: no other entity or agency can change the schools policy, so if it says y...
  4. Correct way to draw blood?

    Depends on facility policy and patient physiology, some places do allow you to draw off IV (I've never woked anwhere that allowed that but I know others who have), In rare cases if the patient has poor access but a good IV docs may allow draw off the...
  5. Perhaps its time for a family meeting with you NM, and/or director of unit to explain what has happened (spilt his meds), how it has been handled (we gave him mord pills which he took) and to gently explain that patient has memory issues and may be c...
  6. Have I ruined my nursing career?

    Kudos to you OP for accomplishing what you have. These are my thoughts on your situation. You mention the surgeries you had and that you look different, is it possible you're self esteem is low? I say this because often when one has low self esteem t...
  7. 25 Funny Nursing Memes

    Trying to leave the room, lol. its like that and the report one yes "just get me the heck outta here"
  8. Do you buy medical equipment for home use?

    He has insomnia and wants a propofol drip,lol.
  9. Could I become a nurse ?

    Anything is possible, with 20/200 vision (I assume corrected), it would be hard to get a position in some types of nursing, like where you would have tele, IV pumps, etc, but there are other types of nursing and possibly some adaptive equipment you c...
  10. Honestly I'd be careful about LTC, if you can get on the sub-acute or rehab unit thats better but the ltc and memory floors can be quite difficult depending on how they are staffed, and not the greatest for developing good habits. What about a doctor...
  11. Help when calling the md

    OP, it also matters if the patient is aymptomatic or symptomatic. So when calling the doc, revert back to your SBAR (this was the exact reason it was brought into healthcare to facilitate communication between doctor and nurse as we tend to have diff...
  12. Anybody have rituals they do when a patient passes?

    I have done "random acts of kindness" but rather than saying "in memory of" I just say, "to honor someone special" and leave it at that. When Someone passes unexpectedly on the unit (if its my patient) I just ask no one talk to me about it for a bit ...
  13. SNF Patient demanding to leave

    Is their HCP invoked? are they able to make their own decisions? That is the determining factor.
  14. Anyone NEVER been hit/hurt working psych?

    Well, you have to remember the majority of them have dementia and being in the hospital is a huge environment change and they are around all these unfamiliar people who are telling them to do stuff, or take stuff, etc. I'm positive its very frighteni...
  15. Anyone NEVER been hit/hurt working psych?

    I have to say I'm in the 99% that have been, I remember working a night shift and I heard an bloodcurdling scream, I ran to find out what it was and discovered one of our aides on the floor with the patient on top of her. He had delusions and had hea...
  16. Trouble for taking Doctors candy

    I think this is real, I googled the OP, even if its not I love a scenario where candy is the biggest issue in facility.
  17. Group Interview--coming prepared

    I've only done 1 group interview, frankly it was a waste of time.
  18. Bizarre Co-Worker Rant!

    Same here, I correct them, although there is one name I hate, and I tell them I won't answer to it,lol. But I have yet to fly off the handle, sulk, throw a tantrum, or ream someone a new bleep if they call me by the wrong name.
  19. Trouble for taking Doctors candy

    Scarier issue is that there is a camera watching the nurses station...
  20. Is there a relationship between SpO2 or BP and hemoglobin?

    BP is r/t the contractility of arteries and has no bearing on hgb, anemia, hypovolemia will cause low bp by less fluid volume in the vessels, spO2 does not really measure hgb, ie, it doesnt count blood cells. The only way to have a reliable hgb measu...
  21. Why are they called, "Chucks?"

    they are not "chucks" they are called "chux"
  22. Bizarre Co-Worker Rant!

    Same here, I was thinking easy way to solve this problem is just to use first names. I can kind of understand Ms. Kelly's frustration though, I have simple first names and last names, my entire life most have been mispronounced, or someone doesnt rea...
  23. Dosage question

    It would be impossible to draw up 1ml in the way you describe, you'd have to open another vial. Think in terms of the measurement of the med, and the measurement of the fluid in which the med is contained.
  24. Only certain departments in hospital got a pay increase?

    So true! when I worked nights they used to send us stale day old pastries while we had to clean up the pizza boxes from the other shifts, lol!
  25. Only certain departments in hospital got a pay increase?

    All I can say to that is what a punitive action by your employer. Sorry they are ******es