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All Content by tnrose

  1. my pyxis nightmare..

    amen to that
  2. IM Injection, Hitting Bone?

    I've never given a flu shot subQ, am I missing something?
  3. Strangest thing you've heard a co-worker or patient say?

    From a nurse I was working with recently, "Guess what I just found out...Dr. So and So just told me that Tylenol can kill you. I thought that Tylenol was just like Aspirin, I didn't know it could hurt you". I swear it's true, I was just sitting the...
  4. What makes nursing school so difficult?

    For me, maybe not the hardest part but the most stressful part is all of the assignments we have to do that I personally don't feel benefit me at all. I also feel like all of the time we have to spend on care plans are pretty much a waste of time, I...
  5. Young Eating Unit Secretaries

    We have a one that we call the Warden. At first she really got on my nerves. Then one day we had someone from a different floor fill in that didn't seem to know how to do anything right, and the whole day was a stressful disaster, charts piled up w...
  6. First travel assignment in hazard ky

    A dear friend of mine is an RN there and she is probably the most gentle person I've ever known, would not consider her "rough". Just because it's a rural part of the world, it can still be a beautiful area (I've been there), explore and if you have...
  7. First travel assignment in hazard ky

    Come on, confederate flag scrubs? Give me a break, I hope you are kidding.
  8. I'm sorry, but this post was way too long and I lost interest.
  9. Yes, but a "good nurse" does not always have time to do these things. In a perfect world yes, but I know I don't always have time to look over every MAR before giving meds.
  10. AMAZED at what some students get away with!!!

    I just can't help but reply. I am an LPN in RN school, so I am in clinical rotation as an RN student but also have LPN students assigned to me when I am on the job. I think we need to remember that often students just don't know what to do or where...
  11. nurse vs doctors

    what is a troll? I really don't know
  12. You Know You're a Nurse When...

    LOL, I thought I was the only one that knocked on the med room door before I caught myself............
  13. How does a psych career affect the psych nurses?

    I just wanted to say that I'm thinking of a switch from Med surg to Psych, and it's nice to see a positive outlook for a change. I've always been interested in this area and thought it might be for me, (I seem to gravitate toward these patients on m...
  14. question about IV push

    I'm thinking that the vial label itself actually supplies the information on diluting the med, am I wrong? I know it won't supply info on push time though. I am so thankful for our MAK system, which supplies that information to us when administerin...
  15. What's up with TN ????

    I'm sorry this happened to your friend, but I am a bit offended by your post. It comes off to me that you are putting down tennessee, and southerners in general. Again, i'm not saying what happened was right in any way, I guess being from tennessee...
  16. What you get for nurses week

    We were given T-shirts, a nice breakfast, and a catered lunch. The nicest part of nurses week for me was a "blessing of the hands". We had our hands annointed with oil and a prayer was said by our chaplain, it was really touching.
  17. LPN Supervisor Over RNs.???

    Hi, I'm new to this site and I wanted to reply to Leslie's comment saying that someday maybe adn nurses might supervise bsn nurses. I work on a med surg floor and our supervisor is an associate degree nurse, we have many bsn nurses on our floor. So...
  18. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    After reading several different post I just have a couple of comments/questions. By the way I am an LPN currently chasing down my RN license. First, why is it that during clinicals we as students often are handed off to the CNA's? I have heard a CN...
  19. What did you think Nursing was About?

    I don' usually post, but after all the negative comments I thought I'd put my 2 cents in. I just keep thinking about all the students reading these post and cringing! Yes, it's stressful, scary, all that stuff. But I think the main point is to kee...
  20. new to site, saying hi!

    Hi, I am an LPN from Tn, currently in school to obtain my RN license. Ya'll know how stressed I am then........Just wanted to say hi. I joined because I thought it might be a good place to vent, and share experiences with others............So, Hi t...
  21. Just funny, that's all. A lot of it true too!
  22. So Who Runs Your Floor, You or the Aides?

    I work on a med-surg floor where it's hard to keep nursing aides. Of course we have some really good aides, and some that just do the minimum (and that's being generous). I do feel a big part of the problem is the fact that management tends to turn...
  23. I can't do this anymore...(VERY VERY LONG)

    Ok, I'm a medsurg nurse and it's my thing. I love it but I've seen many leave the floor with tears streaming down their faces so I know it's not for everyone. There are many other opportunities available to you, an Rn that hated working my floor t...
  24. Ok guys, I'm taking the plunge!

    I can't respond on the part of being a male nurse, but I am in school right now in a class with about 40 women,2 men. Needless to say, they have it pretty good because we all take care of them as we women are for the most part in a nuture mode by n...