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All Content by tnrose

  1. I'm not planning on attending either myself, but I am curious from your reply if it is necessary in your school to attend in order to graduate, from your post it seems that way
  2. Concerns with brand new nurses

    I have to say that I don't think NursePeace was rude in her postings. 2 years may not be a lot of experience, but you can see and learn a lot in those 2 years!
  3. "Your patient in 520 is in pain!"

    Again, I feel like some pt's, (especially those with chronic conditions), are scared they wont' get the meds in a timely manner like they do at home so they get a little stressed. Maybe it's because they have experienced a very long wait to get med...
  4. "Your patient in 520 is in pain!"

    That's what I've been trying to say, the CNA's/ PCP's are part of the nursing team, it's those PT's and housekeepers that really get on my nerves!
  5. "Your patient in 520 is in pain!"

    I agree, I medicate if I have an order unless decreased resp., LOC, etc. I think it's easier for me as a nurse, the rest of the staff, and the pt. if I follow the doc's orders, it's not for me to decide if the pt. is really in pain or not, they say ...
  6. "Your patient in 520 is in pain!"

    I really don't consider CNA's/PCP's ancillary staff, is it just me?? I think of RT, PT, etc.
  7. "Your patient in 520 is in pain!"

    I wouldn't consider you ancillary staff. I see the Aids/PCP's at our facility as valuable resources for this type of information. I always listen because for the most part they are as familiar, (or more familiar) with a patient and his needs than ...
  8. "The Disruptive Behavior of Doctors"

    Why do you doubt they spend time in forums like this complaining? Do you feel like it's because they are more mature, or it's because of the status you assign to someone with a MD behind their name?
  9. Nursing school Experience

    I actually spent more time on assignments than preparing for the tests. I am one of those people who cram the day before the exam. I'm sorry to say that I have had a terrible experience with nursing school, but I know from asking around that it's n...
  10. Almost the end of the semester and I would rather...

    I know what you mean, it's all I can do to drag myself out of bed and into clinical or class, I think because it's almost the end I'm just so over it!!
  11. oh yes she can, don't discourage.
  12. You can do it. I took micro, A & P, and Problem Stats in one semester while working part time, ended up with A's in all. Don't get me wrong, it didn't come easy, I was almost insane and totally exhausted at the end because I was obsessed over my...
  13. My clinical instructor threw me out of clinical!

    Uhh, Had a nursing instructor tell a student she had "deserted her patient" just the other day in clinical, because she held off on changing a dressing that she was instructed to do in order to help another student with a procedure that required 2 pe...
  14. My clinical instructor threw me out of clinical!

    And it should also allow time to mistakes and time to learn from them to improve.
  15. My clinical instructor threw me out of clinical!

    I think that a nursing student in clinical could certainly be flustered, and appear that way as well without realizing it. I thought that the clinical experience was supposed to also be a learning experience. Granted, I don't know the history betwe...
  16. Nursing student taking drugs

    Personally, I think that drinking in moderation while off-duty should be no different than smoking. Acually, I bet if someone drank to excess the night before work they would probably be affected more than someone who smoked pot the night before. F...
  17. was that really necessary? I don't think she was asking for a spell checker
  18. who said it was free?
  19. Just to be clear, and maybe clear up some of the other post, are your meals free or are you expected to pay for them? I think that makes a big difference.
  20. why? and can you explain your reasoning?
  21. May I ask why you feel this way? I have heard first-hand from cancer, chronic pain patient's that this is a great help to them.
  22. Worst doctors orders ever received

    as with other post, I don't really think, (and excuse me if I am wrong), that anyone is looking for advice, just posting funny or different orders from docs.
  23. Worst doctors orders ever received

    I applaud your caring attitude, but i think the poster was just saying that if the pt. was able to take care of their own feeding, then it wasn't necessary to write the order to feed, this is supposed to be a funny forum, not to be taken so seriously...
  24. Worst doctors orders ever received

    I think this forum is to report strange/funny orders, not to imply that the person posting isn't taking it seriously or didn't follow up.
  25. How much from nursing school do you retain??

    wow, you remember "everything" you learned in 06! I would like to figure out how to do that!