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All Content by rescuegroomer

  1. Excelsior College or College Network

    It ALSO doesn't make any sense to spend the extra amount on ISU that you are spending when you didn't have to. I think it will work for you...never said it wouldn't. But for people who have not yet signed through TCN....YAAAAYYYYY!! Now they can rese...
  2. Excelsior College or College Network

    ok...but if people ask then why is YOUR take on TCN ok to post, but ours isn't. We have a view on it too, and if someone is asking then I sure as heck am going to tell them what I know...just like YOU did. Then they can make a truely informed decisi...
  3. Excelsior College or College Network

    Well..I would say the majority is very PO'd at TCN...including a friend of mine who is thousands in the hole. She sold her crap on Ebay and didn't even come CLOSE to getting back what she is STILL trying to pay off. Some lucky person was smart enough...
  4. Excelsior College or College Network

    You can get any of TCN on ebay for next to nothing. Why in the world would you sign up with them? The ONLY thing they REALLY do is sell you study guides...all of which you can find on ebay. They don't give you the degree. Only the college does that....
  5. College Network

    The College Network is a big old scam. If you don't believe me...just go to EBAY and look at all modules people are practically giving away there. MOST ARE UNOPENED!! Maybe they will help you study..maybe not. But why pay thousands for them when you ...
  6. A & P 1 Fall 2008

    I am taking A/P 1 this fall. This summer I am going to self study Psychology and CLEP it before class starts in the fall. WAAAYYYY cheaper and I don't have to sit through it. Then, this fall I will also self study sociology..CLep it, and History 1 a...
  7. So lets say....(Paramedic EC questions)

    It's the same kinda thing. BUT..It doesn't have the INSANE GPA requirements, (3.4) plus I already have some of the prereqs. At this point it almost looks like it would be quicker because to bring my gpa up to a 3.4 is going to take YEARS. I don't kn...
  8. Assc. Nursing Program in TN!!

    :bowingpur Most of it is online with the exception of the science classes. You only have to be a CNA or any other medical experience to get in. AND...the gpa is 2.75 instead of 3.4! Woo-Hoo! I am going to go for i...
  9. RODP Nursing Degree Here it is!! I am so excited!