
litbitblack ASN, RN

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All Content by litbitblack

  1. Maybe check with the nursing schools in your area and see if they have a skills lab....Then you could see if it is something you can refresh yourself with....That was stuff I learned on the job-
  2. So please bare with me as I explain.....I work in a private pay cert. dem center that is part of a bigger independent living facility that also has a snf. There is an administrator over the entire company and they pretty much have their own set up an...
  3. Employer holding pay check

    Im in texas and my poor mom has worked for numerous home health companies that just make payroll. Matter of fact she is still waiting today from getting a paycheck friday before last. How do these places expect people to survive... Find you another p...
  4. LTC's no longer accept "limited duty" or just my LTC?

    We don't have light duty even if injured at work....
  5. Why stay at your current job when there is absolutely no opportunity for advancement?
  6. What happened to common sense?

    LOL I feel you....Ive wondered where the common sense went for quite some time.
  7. Rant no opportunity for advancements

    When management knows your interested in a office position but higher ups restrict the new office position to lvn's. When higher ups want to keep a RN on a specific suite. When the current adon's position wasn't posted for people to apply to nor was...
  8. Online RN-BSN with no math?

    so its been awhile since anyone posted im wondering if there are any updates. I have all but the last 3 classes from UTA and stats is keeping me from taking research then capstone. I chose UTA because they didn't require intro chemistry but I did st...
  9. Alzheimer's Lesson?

    I work in a certified dementia facility. We are not lying to the residents we are redirecting them. I highly suggest you check out some Teepa Snow videos on online-there are some short ones and if you are in an area where she does a seminar it is wor...
  10. Terrible Medication Error

    When I was new and before I fully understood heparin gtts I had a patient on a gtt with standing orders for adjustments based on ptt results. She received the entire bag-250cc- of heparin in an hour. Luckily she was fine but I felt so inadequate as a...
  11. Toileting program

    I work in a certified dementia long term care facility and am on the highest functioning unit. We do have some residents that should be on another unit as we place residents based on their disease process. My question is toileting programs. At what ...
  12. SigmaCare

    Be careful. My facility has a policy on who can access outside of the facility
  13. Would YOU have reported it?

    I understood 1/2 ns was hanging but the day before the order was changed to NS. The new order changing what should have been Ns was changed to D5 NS. Yes it should be reported. It sounds like a system error and something that can be easily prevented....
  14. New DON LTC

    Why only 16? Are there separate halls? At my facility the skin assessments are divided by day and evening shift. Its not that difficult to complete 1-3 skin assessments a shift for weekly skin assessments and they can be divided between the shifts.
  15. has anyone worked as a CARE manager for Senior Bridge?

    Yes it did thank you.
  16. has anyone worked as a CARE manager for Senior Bridge?

    So out of curiosity how much time do you actually spend on a visit? I do long term care assessments and they take anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on the information collected-or how detailed someone is in giving the info. Is this something that you...
  17. Do you still have to do dosages math by hand as an RN now?

    Yes its important to learn it just so you know it in case you ever need it....Depending on where you work you may not have access to a computer or a calculator and may need to double check a dose. I would know the formulas that your going to use most...
  18. Who's using Neudexta in their facilities

    We have one resident that is using it as she did not have a good experience with increasing her Seroquel. She seems to be doing ok without any a/r
  19. charge nurse keeps making cna's put residents in danger

    It does take a little bit of time to get used to the long term care environment coming from the hospital....I would talk to the DON about your concerns. You really shouldn't argue with her because she is your immediate supervisor and that will result...
  20. WHAT TO DO...Nurse is refusing to give PRN medication

    The nurse needs to give the PRN or have her boss give it if she doesn't feel comfortable. The nausea needs to be f/u on but the patient shouldn't be refused treatment because a nurse doesn't believe there is nausea. Maybe the pt is anxious because s...
  21. Urinating in heat/air unit

    Toile ting program then maybe he wouldn't need to go to the vent....Frequent redirection? Maybe place a trash can there to catch it instead.
  22. Pressure ulcers in "sensitive" areas?

    Microbial powder may help
  23. Why do RN's avoid LTC positions?

    I was one who said I would never work long term care but where am I. I work in a private pay facility -certified dementia-so that makes a ton of difference I do t think I could do a Medicare/ Medicaid facility. I think it depends on what patient popu...
  24. Combative dementia patient

    Summarize his behaviors and redirection attempts to the MD. Make sure they are all documented including changing approach attempts and exactly what is going on at the time the behaviors are occurring. Have the MD review your summary and his medicati...
  25. I think primary care and team nursing both work with the proper amount of staff. If you start doing team nursing but continue to not have ancillary staff it won't matter because it won't work. It also depends on the nurses working within the team. An...