
lsyorke RN

Med-Surg, Wound Care

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All Content by lsyorke

  1. Saying good bye to a loved one.

    I lost my husband in August of this year. Thank God for Hospice and their caring and compassion. While I didn't need the services that they offered, beyond meds, their presence was so important. Someone else to talk to, someone who understood how bei...
  2. Pregnant Nurses and the flu shot

    Tamiflu is a Class C drug for pregnancy: From Pregnancy Category C There are insufficient human data upon which to base an evaluation of risk of TAMIFLU to the pregnant woman or developing fetus. Studies for effects on embryo-fetal develo...
  3. failed nclex-rn 3x

    Find a good review course specifically for the Nclex. Don't give up!
  4. ALL NURSES this affects all of you

    MMR and the other "mandatory" vaccines are mandatory for all. H1N1 is a brand new, minimally tested vaccine with unknown risks. The flu vaccine is "best guess". They are not comparable.
  5. I think that his argument is what most people think. We see "defensive medicine" all the time, which absolutely raises costs, but then we also see the negligent doctor. Until there is a true effort to remove the negligent physician, the public is at...
  6. Rude Physician - Tips for Handling

    While there is no excuse for any doctor to berate a nurse, I would not have called the attending. The family wanted to talk to the surgeon, so I would have provided them the phone number of the surgeon. If a doctor is in on consult, especially a surg...
  7. Going Back To Housecalls

    We are starting to see more and more docs doing house calls. It's a good thing!
  8. School !

    WCEI is the group giving the course for WCC, but the test is given by the NAWC®. So completion of the course and passing the NAWC test gives you the WCC certification.
  9. School !

    You can also be specifically Wound Care certified through WCEI
  10. Good luck finding a preceptor. We're going to contact WCEI and see how we can help in our area.
  11. Have you taken the course yet? I believe that has to be done prior to the clinical. We were discussing this at work this week since we have 2 nurses(one being myself) who would qualify to be a preceptor. We're not sure if it's feasible in the fast pa...
  12. acetic acid anyone?

    Acetic acid is available premade from the pharmacy. I would not be mixing my own. It's a .25% solution. While it's use is a bit controversial, we've had great results in wounds that are colonized with pseudomonas. Found it...made by Baxter http://www...
  13. Why cannot give IV medication via artery?

    TACE appears to be a very specific application for a very specific chemo. As for other medications, there simply is no need to use an artery and the risks and dangers are massive.
  14. Thanks...yup, as a wound care certified nurse, working in a wound care center for years now, I think I have it down! LOL! Here's a good article on wet to dry dressings. One thing that was beat into us in our certification was "a dry cell is a dead ce...
  15. Wow.there's just so much wrong with this question that I don't know where to start. What kind of debriding are they talking about.... Sharp Debride- doctors only. Wet to dry debriding...TOTALLY wrong and shouldn't be used ever. What does the wound b...
  16. wound care certified - WCC- not recognized???

    What kind of recognition are you looking for? Increased compensation?? I have my WCC and didn't recieve additional compensation. It does work towards one part of our clinical ladder though.
  17. potassium level

    Not true. Those having cardiac effects of low potassium need monitoring, but not all K+ replacement needs monitoring.
  18. Does LPN experience count?

    I worked at the same hospital during my LPN years and after I got my RN. They bumped me up on compensation because I was making more as an LPN than I would make as a new RN. If the rate had been the same they wouldn't have done the upgrade.
  19. Those who can be treated in private practices should be treated in private practice. Hospitals are closing all over the place due to the uninsured going to the ER for an ear infections and other minor problems...this is not what hospitals should be t...
  20. Wound computer program?

    We use a program provided by our Management Company, which is pretty good. We also take each picture and put them in a "file" for each patient. The file is named by first and last initial and medical record number on it's own designated drive. Once t...
  21. Seriously, the apothecary system?

    LOL! 60mg=one grain.....4-5 cc in a dram or teaspoon...that's all I know because we had to learn a song about it in nursing school! Haven't used is since then!
  22. This makes me NUTS! Anything off of emotional flatline is diagnosed as bipolar. 13 year old boys/girls are moody, angry, sweet, adorable, and every other emotion on the map. To drug a child after 10 minutes is criminal. If anger is a problem, then f...
  23. Do you always remove the air from IV bags?

    Never done it, never seen it done. Proper monitoring of an IV solves the problem of a dry bag.
  24. LPN for 15 years and had no intention of going back from my RN...been an RN for 11 years now!
  25. How far do you drive to work?

    1.3 miles and I LOVE it!