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All Content by SeekingSuccess

  1. Ncsbn

    I think on the diagnostic PRETEST it doesn't give you the answers. When your done finishing it, it only tells you what percentage that you scored on the Pretest. However at the very bottom where it says Diagnostic test's, Q&A and alternate item f...
  2. Ncsbn Reveiw Course.

    I'm currently enrolled with NCSBN for a 3 WEEK online study course. Can anyone tell me if a 67-70 percentile on the NCSBN practice exams is good enough to take the actually NCLEX? I'd really love to hear your input about your thots on the NCSBN revei...
  3. I've PMed Suzanne twice for 2 different days and alotted 45 days for her plan and she said that my time isn't good enough..How many days does she require for repeat test takers? I'm willing to reschedule.
  4. How many days for Suzannes plan for retest takers?

    Oh ok..Thanks.
  5. Ncsbn Reveiw Course.

    Thanks Jack. Well on that note..I should get back to hitting the books. Thank you so much for the advise..every little thing helps..Good luck to the both of us, keep me posted on how you did. Good luck!!!!!
  6. Ncsbn Reveiw Course.

    I see your taking yours too, I wish you GoodLuck. What are you doing in order to prepare aside from the NCSBN reveiw?? Are you still reading content or just practicing questions??? I have knots in my stomach right now just thinking about it....
  7. Ncsbn Reveiw Course.

    Thank You so much! I'm so stressed out to be honest....I haven't been reading content that much...i've taken the test before and I failed..and the methods that I used was just to study and memorize content without doing practice quesstions...I'M SO W...
  8. Graduated 2yrs ago need to pass NCLEX

    hello and welcome wishiwasarn. I'm sorry to hear that you've failed 4x, I hope it gives you comfort in knowing that this will be my THIRD TIME in taking the boards...I have already failed twice, took the Boards just recently this past January. I'm gl...
  9. Failed the nclex... how to get remotivated

    Hey live2help..just reading your situation in life just made me look at myself that's exactly me right there. I know you've probably heard this countless times..but I do know what you are going through and it does hurt. You don't know how m...
  10. Graduated 2yrs ago need to pass NCLEX

    LOL god I know..the family too huh? I work 4 days a week at my job and it's frustrating sometimes but hey, someones got to do it in order to pay half the rent. I think I should definitly cut down my hours to maybe 3 days a week of work so I can focus...
  11. Graduated 2yrs ago need to pass NCLEX

    hey -jax grl- well it feels awesome to hear from someone who's also in the same boat. it makes me feel less alone and less behind. i know exactly how you feel. i wana get over this period of my life just sucks not being an rn yet. i work a no...
  12. Graduated 2yrs ago need to pass NCLEX

    -hey leash- i'm hitting my 3 year mark this coming april and i've already taken the exam and failed just this january. i know your thinking how long 4 years is and how can you bring nursing content back, but it's possible! i used to think the same th...
  13. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    thanks silver. :)
  14. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    wow you're still awake huh? well i'm glad that you have saunders already, i have yet to get it but right now i still need the money from my next paycheck. what i find hard is that i have work and study that i have to takecare of but that's life right...
  15. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    ksas4ever, thank you for your support. it really does mean alot hearing common struggles from a future nurse to be. i greatly appreciate you sharing your experiences with me. suggestions as to how to get motivated? i do have to admit that when i had ...
  16. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    Ksas4ever Sorry I replied so late but I've been having some internet problems lately. Anyways I got my results in the mail a day after you got yours. I failed as well. I'm not losing hope ksas and neither should you. I sent in my re-regist...
  17. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    That's better thinking. I truely beleive that you will pass this time KSAS..Have faith my friend.
  18. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    ksas4ever hey..i'm very sorry to hear that..but please don't be sad ok? =( the way i see things you are almost there! you failed one area..just look at the bright side of things. it's easy to say rather than do..i know. now that i know you got your r...
  19. Graduated 2yrs ago need to pass NCLEX

    lvlytxn, excelsiornurse, ivy120...Just all the people on this board. You are truly Inspiring and Amazing. I find it so therapeutic to come here and listen to others experiences and emotions and to find that I can relate to each and every one of you. ...
  20. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    oh wow, so i am not the only one. where did you take yours? i took mine in oakland,ca. i've spoken to the brn many many times, they are no help what so ever. they keep telling me different things. they said that they are very busy due to large number...
  21. Did anyone take the test on Feb 14, in Ca?

    OMG Ksas4ever, You took yours on 01/29 too? So did I!! And I'm still waiting and also no results either....I didn't see my name on the BRN yet either and i'm thinking that I failed...I called BRN and asked if all my paper work is ok and they said eve...