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All Content by Pab_Meister

  1. International nursing students in the US

    hey...see below... best of luck!!
  2. U.S. trained ADN, Canadian Citizen-Greencard Q's

    Thanks beausud! Just a bit of clarification, though: No problem with my training being considered equal to a U.S. trained nurse, I am being trained in the U.S. (Buffalo, N.Y.) O.P.T. : if you graduate from a U.S. school, you are automatically entitl...
  3. Hello! I was hoping you folks could help me with some immigration questions re: U.S. 1. I'm starting my second semester of my ADN program. At what point do I apply for my Greencard? 2. Can I work with my OPT in the U.S. while waiting for my Greenc...
  4. failed nclex

    In reading your post,it sounds as though you are going through a very normal process. As soon as you are finished beating yourself up, you'll pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin to hold your head up high again. If you found nursing school...
  5. I am man, I wonder if I can be a nurse

    I'm sure you can do it like me and all the other male nurses what were so nervous like you are saying and besides there are others too.
  6. Murses

    Hi Marie, Sure you're right. But I think what Dan is looking for are honest opinions. Just as you are free to express your opinions about whatever you like, Dan is free to post whatever questions he likes, and I am free to post whatever opinion I h...
  7. Murses

    Hey, you know if they're using it on Scrubs, it's gotta be official. Actually, since Scrubs is about as assinine as this thread, and this thread is soooooooo popular...... hhmmm...I might be eating crow sooner than I think... know any good recipes...
  8. Murses

    How is this possible? How is it that there are so many intellengent, sensible and relevent threads on this forum that barely get noticed, and fade quietly into the archives, yet some b*llshit thread like this, like a bad rash, just won't go away? T...
  9. Murses

    Ahhhhh....shoot! I thought I had this one all figured out! ...double ahhhhh....shoot!! -------------------------------------------------------- How I Feel About the Term "Murse" by Alexander. ...
  10. Murses

    Hey again Dan, I personally don't care what I'm referred to, regardless of whom it comes from. Although I'm still just a lowly nursing student, I know that nurses get called far worse names than anything you could ever want to post here. Why don't ...
  11. New name for the Nursing profession?

    Hi Dan, Remember the "Murse" (male nurse) thing from your other thread? What if the elderly female pt. went on with..."Moose??...You say you're a moose? Well, isn't that lovely. Actually, I'm not really a human either, I'm actually an Aardvark! An...
  12. Murses

    Hi Dan, I'd really like to hear some of your other gender neutral terms for "nurse". I suppose I could be persuaded to side with a name change for a more suitable term. The theory is that the term "nurse" comes from the word "nurture" (I know you k...
  13. Murses

    I dunno, I just picture this elderly lady saying "Huh?? What's that?? You're a 'moose'? ". Maybe it's just me.
  14. Murses

    I'm not trying to be argumentative, but as far as explaining to people the whole "male nurse" thing, people can think whatever they like. Well educated folks accept that straight males become nurses. The rest will never be able to wrap their pea-br...
  15. Murses

    From one of my all-time sitcoms, Sienfeld: "A brazier for men, the 'man-zier' ". The trend over the last couple of decades has been to eliminate gender-specific job titles. For example: "actors" and "actresses" are now "actors"; "Stewards" and "stew...
  16. NCLEX Question of the Day

    Hi eyesforward, You may want to take a look at the web site for my programs text book. There is a question of the week on the home page. You can also try the NCLEX questions for the chapters. And, it's all free!! Have a look at: http://www.prenh...
  17. Phi Theta Kappa... is it worth the $55 bucks?

    I was invited to join several months ago, after my first semester of pre-reqs. It seemed kind of hokey at first, but after I found out that one of my favorite teachers (for A&P II) was the Chapter Advisor, I decided to shell out the $40. He sai...
  18. Home Remedies

    Home remedies... If you have a severe cut on your head, tighten a tourniquet around your neck. least that's what they taught us in school...
  19. Are all NY schools on wait lists?

    Hi bstrongrn, No offense intended. I'm just parroting what I've heard other folks call it. I'm not originally from this area so I had no idea about the nick names. A lot of times when I tell people where I go to school, they come back with "Oh, Ea...
  20. quitting smoking....going to eat my own arm off!

    I hear salsa has replaced ketchup as the #1 condiment in the U.S. It might help make that arm a bit more palatable....kidding...just kidding....good luck!!!!
  21. Are all NY schools on wait lists?

    Hi Jenny C. There's no wait list at my C.C. here in Buffalo - ECC (Erie Community College, a.k.a. "Everyone Can Come", a.k.a. "Easy Credit College" - take your pick). They have two campuses that have the ADN program - City (starts in Jan.) and Nort...
  22. Terms we will not admit to using

    A.M.F. YOYO = adios m.f., you're on your own!
  23. scared of retaking the nclex

    Hi hafsa, Don't get discouraged!!!! I'm still in nursing school. One of the things that always amazes me is how so many people at exam time are more interested in finishing the exam first, rather than to take their time and think things through. ...
  24. Suny?

    Hi Kim, There's a lady in my class who is from Gowanda, N.Y. I told her a joke I heard when I was like five: Q: Do you know how to get to Gowanda? A: Gowanda bus. She hasn't spoken to me since. Must be a "first born".
  25. Suny?

    Hi Kim, I'm just a bit north of you - ECC in Buffalo, N.Y. I started w/prereqs. last September, was admitted to "the program" in January and it's been a heck of a semester so far. I really enjoy the nursing program, I just wish I wasn't in A&P ...