

Wannabe NICU/PED Nurse

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All Content by Audrey28

  1. Becoming A Nurse

    You shouldn't let your age stop you- you are only 4 years older than me- and hey 30 is the new 20! LOL There are a lot of people starting out at your age or OLDER- and some are starting second careers -I think if you are really passionate about it-th...
  2. Piedmont CC vs. Germanna CC

    Well I don't know what info I can really give you- I am currently enrolled at PVCC. No other school really crossed my mind. I know they have a great Nursing program... I am currently taking pre-reqs.... Good Luck with whatever you decide. I live in G...
  3. Happy valentine's day!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to say Happy :redbeathe DAY! My SO isn't here- and I didn't even get to talk to him- but I know he is busy [He's ARMY]- and I myself am quite busy at work today.... But I still wanted to spread the LOVE! So have a beautiful ...
  4. Happy valentine's day!

    happy birthday! wow 19... that was almost 10 years ago for me:coollook:... but i still think i'm hot. :smokin:lol haha jk... hope your day is very blessed! enjoy!
  5. age ?

    I like your avatar.
  6. Pre-nursing student with no idea what to do!!!

    Well I am a single mom. I work F/T and decided on my career in Nursing. I am currently taking pre-req's and will be doing one class at a time. My mom is helping me out on the nights I have class by picking up my daughter from after school. If it is s...
  7. Having a boyfriend while in nursing school....

    TELL ME ABOUT IT! My bf is in the ARMY... and I have learned to have patience- the whole military motto is HURRY UP AND WAIT! We have been [back] together for a year and 1/2... He's been in the Army for 12 years now and I first dated him back in HS.....
  8. Just A Bit Of Inspiration 4 All...

    Wow. This is amazing:yeah:- and such an inspiration... I keep feeling like God is pulling me towards this career. :heartbeatI have always wanted to be a Nurse:nurse:- but more recently I feel really pulled towards the NICU:rolleyes:... I always have ...
  9. question about pediatric/adolescent physicals

    Hey, again I am not a Nursing student yet, but I would def be questioning why patients in the 7th grade need to remove their bras:down: and have a breast exam- I don't think they should need to- and as a mom myself- would question the Dr. BEFORE I le...
  10. question about pediatric/adolescent physicals

    I currently am not a Nurse [yet]- but I have an 8 year old daughter and we go to the same hospital every time- sometimes they have her change into a gown other times they do not. I think it depends on what the child is being seen for. If it's just a ...
  11. Trying to stay motivated

    I'm taking one pre-req now and I have two more after this one-- And I basically have to take one course at a time b/c I work F/T, but like the other two people already posted- if it is something that you are passionate about and really want to do- th...
  12. Why do you want to be a nurse?

    I knew I wanted to become a Nurse when I had my daughter. I loved the way they took care of my daughter, and i knew I wanted to do the same. I want to impact people's lives, even if it is just a second or a day or a week that I come into their lives,...
  13. Jobs while in school??

    LOL- Sounds like the ARMY... I should know my bf is a Staff SGT in the ARMY- and they are DEF FIRST! It's craZy! But I guess they have to be like that...
  14. Jobs while in school??

    Well I am working F/T, I have to because I am a single mom and I have bills to pay and a daughter to take care of.:redpinkhe I work about 37.5 hours a week and I am still taking my pre-req's, but I have night classes. It's a slower process- but I am ...
  15. age ?

    I'm taking Pre-req's now and I am 28. After reading the other ages I don't feel so bad! I had my daughter when I was 20- and I got a late start on everything- but we will all get there!
  16. How can i prepare while i wait to start?

    I'm in the same boat as you... Playing the waiting game- well sort-of... I'm still taking Pre-requisites, so after I finish those I can enroll into the Nursing program--- but I wanna know too what I can do or read in the meantime! So I can't wait to ...
  17. When a Baby dies....

    I've always wanted to work with baby's and in the NICU. It does scare me and I wonder if I can handle it emotionally... but to have the opportunity and chance to work with these amazing gifts from God is more than I could ever ask for- I just want to...
  18. Becoming A Nurse

    Reading this is very inspirational- and reminds me of why I am doing this to begin with... I dropped out of school at the end of my Junior Year. I got my GED when I was 19. Had my daughter at 20, and have been a F/T working mom ever since. I finally ...
  19. what color are you as a nurse

    I picked Rainbow... I have different moods all the time:bugeyes:... And I'm not a Nurse yet- so I know it will change over time and depend on what I am doing... But I am choosing to do Nursing because it is something I have A Passion for- Passion wou...
  20. I'd like to work in Pediatrics/ NICU... I have a long way to go yet though...