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About birdsongRN

birdsongRN has 7 years experience and specializes in Psychiatric.

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  1. alternatives to hospital-based psych nursing?

    There is lots you can do, depending on your area, I guess. Assertive community treatment is a really fun option for psych nurses who want to have (much) more interaction & longterm therapeutic relationships with clients. Also, community based cli...
  2. I think psych nursing is very rewarding. Here are my suggetions, for what they are worth: 1. Consider getting some counseling from a trusted professional to sort out any issues that may remain from your childhood. Speaking from experience, it is imp...
  3. psych tech to psych nurse?

    Absolutely! Do it. I was a psych tech before and during nursing school. Now have been a psych nurse for 7 years. It was a very good experience for me. I hope you find the same is true.