
djmatte ADN, MSN, RN, NP

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All Content by djmatte

  1. How do we prevent Nurse Practitioners from undervaluing themselves?

    It can’t be that different than primary care. At the end of the day, you are billing for a range of office visits and or procedures. Understanding what you bill and when is the first step. The company should be able to give you information on what th...
  2. Are you ACTUALLY supervised???

    I can’t specifically qualify what my collaborator did or did not sign off on. Nothing in our agreement stated what was necessary and if memory serves Michigan doesn’t spell out specific needs of supervision. We always signed into our EMR as under sup...
  3. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    We didn't have a grade 13 when I went through high school in NY. Truth be told, I was a mediocre student in high school, went through a vocational option for criminal justice. I never got a regents diploma as it was back when Regents exam degrees we...
  4. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    No grade requirements from what I recall. The only requirement was to get into school; which it appears anyone with a pulse was accepted for the liberal arts degrees. And at the time, even if you didn’t pass the entrance exams for English or math, th...
  5. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    This was a SUNY school that was at one time a community college. They started to add baccalaureate options for certain programs such as nursing. Most of the students that attended from the city were primarily on liberal arts pathways. Those were stud...
  6. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    I have no doubt some received some sound schooling from this program. But I saw more people retaking classes two or more times that it made their “outreach” efforts look more like a scam the longer students were there for a basic associates. The nurs...
  7. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    The unfortunate part is this is being seen even in state schools and they are making a killing on students inability to meet standards and consistently taking school loans for degrees they will never make enough money to pay off. I went to a small SU...
  8. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    I’m sure Reddit has a plethora of forums to blow the smoke you are looking for. Just stay away from physician forums because many of them are more aggressive toward NPs and especially our mill schools than we are.
  9. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    This isn't an online vs brick and mortar debate. It's a debate over schools with track record of being diploma Mills vs schools with actual rigor, admission standards, and outcomes that reflect a school that prepares a student appropriately. Schools ...
  10. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    And that is coming from an actively working Psych NP. But our anecdote means nothing to some people. Just keep up telling like it is. Maybe those future students will heed our advice and make wiser choices than others in their pursuit of higher ed...
  11. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    Trust me. We aren’t losing anything here. ?. I’m sure there will be plenty of MDs lining up to exploit your “education” in an effort to pay you pennies on the dollar to make money hand over fist because they recognize (many MDs do understand this) th...
  12. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    I’ll just continue to discourage in this public forum anyone from attending that crap school and reinforcing it with my experience as a practicing nurse practitioner that they will never secure a clinical opportunity or job at any clinic I work. This...
  13. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    For one, you haven’t graduated or passed boards. Let me know when you meet that bar. For two, multiple people here have expressed less than stellar experiences with students from your school. Not just me. Anecdote is still some form of evidence. Esp...
  14. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    So residency I can’t speak for. I feel 80s is probably appropriate for residents. Presuming you aren’t seeing a full load and there is a legit education process going on.
  15. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    6 figures base. You can go up and down with bonus potential sometimes. So long as the numbers are realistic. Certainly nothing less than 95k. But be realistic with expectations. Expect a 3 month ramp up to improve your comfort level. But after that y...
  16. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    Maybe you should *again* produce some statistics of how many people start school there, actually graduate, and actually pass boards. Because the school doesn't make that information public. But all of those are identifiers of what is and is not a goo...
  17. We Must Demolish NP Diploma Mills

    What about the clinical integrity of the school? This isn’t a simple debate of attending a community college vs Yale. It’s considering real educational deficits schools like Walden or Phoenix have persistently produced. So while name alone isn’t the...
  18. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    Except reimbursement doesn’t vary by much by area. What you bill insurance is the similar in all regions from everything I see. Different state Medicaid reimbursement can be exceptionally different though as they set their own parameters.
  19. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    Except you can and should be paid 6 figures out the gate. Minimum if you think you will be seeing at least 15 Patients a day. You will likely be seeing 20+ before you know it. Many if not most clinics will expect you to work at or near that output qu...
  20. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    It isn’t about being in it for the money. It’s about recognizing the role you operate, the money you make for a clinic, and the value your position is worth. As a nurse practitioner, you are a revenue generator. The patients you see and how you bill ...
  21. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    I have no doubt that it is about location and there are locations that are persistently in need. But I also believe even in less saturated areas, you are seeing wages change and compensation lower. I had offers from rural areas come in at 85k with ri...
  22. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    This isn’t about being selfish or discouraging advancement. As a matter of fact, there are distinct differences in the role of a bedside RN and I wouldn’t even suggest discouraging pursuing an NP is particularly preventing anyone from “moving up”. B...
  23. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    The praise when she persistently tears down your diploma mill school and one line it is hilarious. The blinders are strong with this one.
  24. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    Except someone literally just pointed out how they aren’t.
  25. Total Number of Nurse Practitioners Hits 325,000

    In our current medical climate, I don’t foresee much change on how things are structured. And in that, I feel that NP saturation will continue to feel more palpable. If more states aren’t on board with NP autonomy, we will continue to be a secondary...