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All Content by HazelLPN

  1. HazelLPN

    Adult ICU nurse transitioning to PICU

    I know you asked for RNs who made the transition, but I'm an LPN who made the transition late in my career from adult MICU to PICU and NICU. I hope that my contribution is welcome. Yes, kids compensate very well. Adults give you plenty of warning t...
  2. HazelLPN

    Injured Nurse, Can I still teach?

    I am an old broken down retired critical care nurse who's knees no longer allow me to work in the ICU setting. I have been retired from critical care for 5 years now. I am still active in nursing as a substitute assistant school nurse taking care of ...
  3. HazelLPN

    Charge nurse taking patients in ICU

    I've been retired from critical care for over 5 years now, but I can't imagine having a Prisma patient paired with another one. I recently returned to the unit for a retirement tea for a friend and don't recall hearing people complain about assignme...
  4. HazelLPN

    nursing home vs hospital

    I've been retired from the hospital for five years now so I'm out of the loop. I can't imagine an LPN working as a CNA. An LPN trains for 1-2 years, passed the NCLEX and maintains her/his license. What an INSULT to that education. When I was in the h...
  5. HazelLPN

    Chicago Hospital Jobs? (LPN)

    Many times, LPNs who work in acute care in large cities have been there for sometime and they generally no longer hire LPNs. However, there are exceptions to the rule. If that LPN is working on completing her/his RN some nurse managers will make an e...
  6. HazelLPN

    LPNs in Children's Hospitals?

    How it is in an insult to her education? I don't even know where to start.....so I won't.
  7. HazelLPN

    Looking to become LPN and specialize

    Get your BSN if this is possible as it will give you the most options. In my day, LPNs could work in many areas. These days the options are more limited and with the number of for profit nursing schools popping up everywhere, there is no nursing shor...
  8. HazelLPN

    Nurses being forced to go back to school

    At one time, elementary school teachers didn't have degrees. (My mother is a retired teacher...still very much alive at 102..still bosses me around). They trained at what was called a Normal School that prepared women (single women that is) to teach....
  9. HazelLPN

    Lots of experience in critical care a must?

    IMHO, advanced practice nursing is for experiences nurses who have learned their craft from being a nurse in that area for years and years. I'm not sure why you would want to jump from floor nursing right into an advanced practice role based on your ...
  10. HazelLPN

    Full Moon

    I was too busy howling at it.
  11. Evangelicals of any path are annoying to me. Good, I'm happy your path works for you. I'm not so happy you feel the need to put others down who are on a different path than you are. I wouldn't try to save you, I would simply tune you out and chalk i...
  12. I was raised Catholic and went to a Catholic nursing school run by nuns. Religion was part of our training back then. We prayed before class and clinical. We prayed with families and patients. When the priest came, we helped get everyone up for comm...
  13. HazelLPN

    Nurses being forced to go back to school

    That's what I did 25 years ago when I was told that I needed my RN or would be put out to pasture and have to leave the MICU where I had been working since the early 1960s. I ended up taking the slow road too, taking classes that interested me...such...
  14. HazelLPN

    Nurses being forced to go back to school

    When one is close to retirement and has a lifetime of experience, a BSN will not make them a better nurse. I see you are very proud of "putting the time in" and everything else you say to earn your BSN. Let me tell you something about the old diplom...
  15. HazelLPN

    chamberlain university

    Chamberlin is a for profit school. This means that the school exists primarily to make money for its shareholders. I would definitely research your local community college which will be much more affordable. Best to you, Mrs H.
  16. HazelLPN

    Early Fashion...remember this?

    The old diploma schools were something special. You were proud of where you trained, because they weren't easy, despite what modern nursing faculty may say about them who never trained in these facilities. It was a proud day when you earned your stri...
  17. HazelLPN

    Early Fashion...remember this?

    I still wear my whites AND my cap, proudly.
  18. HazelLPN

    Top 10 Reasons Against Unions

    I had a similar situation with a nurse manager who was so awful she was border line abusive to her staff. She would staff the unit short on purpose to save money and made a policy stating that no patient can be on 1:1 care. She would terminate contin...
  19. My first paycheck was so long ago it was probably a live chicken.
  20. HazelLPN

    LPNs in Children's Hospitals?

    An incredible insult to her education to force her to work as a CNA, because she's a nurse, not an aide and is legally held to the standards of the license that she earned. I only hope she is paid as an LPN.
  21. HazelLPN

    LPNs in ICUs titrating drips

    I never taught myself how to titrate a drip, I was trained on the job. Part of that includes in service training, reading and learning on your, asking questions, and putting the information into practice with a good understanding of the pathway of t...
  22. HazelLPN

    Do we need a union? Management is taking advantage of us.

    Good old Lindarn needs to be form her own nurses union and serve as president.
  23. HazelLPN

    LPNs in ICUs titrating drips

    It was in my scope of practice in the state and facility where I worked to titrate my own drips and to do my own pushes. Nowhere in my state scope of practice does it mention that LPNs can only take care of stable patients with predictable outcomes. ...
  24. HazelLPN

    Patient age limit?

    I can remember only one patient that we had who was over a year old. Came in as a 23 weeker with the typical problems associated with micro premies....and this was about 20 years ago when we didn't have the technology we do now. She graduated to chro...
  25. HazelLPN

    Too old for school nursing??

    You are not too old to enter a different area of nursing. IMHO, school nursing is a good fit for experiences nurses who have strong clinical skills. Many of our school nurses are former critical care or ER nurses. We even have an ex army flight nurse...