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All Content by HazelLPN

  1. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    You said this much better than I ever could. I believe that I have already stated that it's more about the individual person than it is about the letters behind their name and the combination of many talents as to what makes a good nurse in previous ...
  2. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    I don't care for that kind of insulting language. You might want to read the TOS about what is acceptable here. I've explained everything before, so have many others. You have refused to read it and now are becoming belligerent. I am happy to engag...
  3. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

  4. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    I certainly do think that science is important for all nurses to understand. I was referring to the premedical level courses that I took that are beyond what most RNs take. They didn't change the way that I did nursing. Perhaps had I become a CRNA, t...
  5. HazelLPN

    Long hair unrestrained at work

    I have long hair but put in up in a bun whenever I do nursing. I also still wear my cap....proudly.
  6. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    With all due respect, do you honestly believe that an LPNs, ADNs, and diploma educated RNs only think about skills? Would I have lasted in critical care if all I did was skills all day long and never took one look at my patients, never communicated w...
  7. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    First of all, congratulations for your 38 years in nursing. You are still a young thing. Oh to 50 again. Oh to be 60 again. Oh to be 70 again! I mean no disrespect, but I don't understand how formal education would help me with new technology. For ex...
  8. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    You have some academic talking points, but with all due respect you sound like you have very little experience in the real world of nursing. Education does not stop with your diploma or your degree. It continues for all of one's life. Experience is ...
  9. HazelLPN

    I'm an LPN and I understand.

    I think we need to remember that the scope of practice for LPNs differs from state to state, and that its very important not to paint with too broad a brush when describing what LPNs are and are not good for. I have been an LPN since 1955. I retired ...
  10. HazelLPN


    I used to have it when I was still working in critical care, but let it expire when I retired. Now I work as a substitute assistant school nurse and there is absolutely no need for me to have it and I would have to pay for it out of my own pocket. I...
  11. Again, the issue that I had was that it is mistaken that the RN is responsible for everything that the LPN does. That was in my original post, that is what I had a challenge with and I'm glad to see that you understand that. This is not about my vie...
  12. Working under the direction of the RN does not mean that the RN is responsible for everything that the LPN does. This implies that if an LPN screws up within her scope of practice, it's the RNs license that is in jeopardy. This is simply not the case...
  13. Actually, all of the actions of the LPN are NOT the responsibility of the RN. Not in Virginia or anywhere else. The reality is that the LPN also has a license and is responsible for her/his own scope of practice. What is outside of that scope is the...
  14. HazelLPN

    working while going to rn school, schedule?

    They used to have a wonderful program called the Weekend Option, where you worked two twelve hour shifts every weekend and were paid for full time with full time benefits. That is what I did when working on my BSN. They discontinued the program short...
  15. HazelLPN

    MICU vs SICU

    I was working in ICU when we split into MICU and SICU back in the late 1970s. I made the choice to go to the MICU simply because I didn't care for the attitude of many surgeons.
  16. HazelLPN

    How common is it for employers to pay for BSN?

    I received tuition reimbursement when I was working on my BSN. The hospital did not care what you were working on, as long as it was in a field that would benefit them and you earned at least a 2.5 gpa. They would pay 100% of the university tuition o...
  17. The hospital from which I retired from would not accept any online BSNs for jobs that required a BSN.
  18. HazelLPN

    What School Nurses REALLY Do?

    I'm a retired PICU nurse and on rough days, some of us ( me included) would joke that we needed a job as a school nurse. How little we knew about school nursing! In my retirement, I am working as a substitute assistant school nurse for a large urban...
  19. HazelLPN

    Pediatric LPNs

    My goodness. So many memories. What I liked about critical care nursing in general is that I knew I was doing something good with my life and helping people in their families in difficult times. I have always loved learning and you learn something n...
  20. HazelLPN

    Pediatric LPNs

    Oh yes absolutely, I didn't want to imply that you can get sloppy. Always keep your support deep down and let gravity work with you. At the same time, have you seen the typical MICU patient? Many are obese and moving them requires all hands on deck. ...
  21. HazelLPN

    LPN/LVN Certifications

    I think the only thing I would add to this list is NRP for LPNs who work in the NICU or special care nurseries.
  22. HazelLPN

    Pediatric LPNs

    I'm a retired PICU LPN. I came to peds fairly late in my career after many years of adult ICU. Everything is based on weights in peds, that took some adjusting. Your norms are different of course, and kids can change very rapidly. Adults usually giv...
  23. HazelLPN

    Union Intent on Improving the Lot of Nurses Nationwide

    It seems like this is a "divide and conquer"" attitude. Nurses vs teachers. The middle class at each other's throats with the 1% high fiving each other, having successful redirected the problem. 50% of teachers leave the profession in the first five...
  24. HazelLPN

    Should I join a teachers's union?

    Our school RNs have their own bargaining unit in the teachers unions with their own district governor and faculty rep. I wouldn't ever work without a union or in a right to work for less state.
  25. HazelLPN

    Phasing out Unit Clerks???

    Do nursing stuff in a "pinch?" The last time I checked, the "N" meant nurse. Even if they paid me LPN wage to do the clerks job, I wouldn't do it. I went to school to be a nurse. What an insult to the education of the LPN Get rid of unit clerks? S...