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  1. I didn't know this actually happened

    Not me!!! I teach Prepared Childbirth classes and I tell my class that this is NOT a big deal, and for Pete's sake, please, please, please do not fish it out of the toilet and bring it to L&D...
  2. Berated and feeling useless

    Having just recently graduated (15 months ago), I think I can give some perspective here. I always thought of my first year out of nursing school as actually my THIRD year of nursing school. I...
  3. Case of the mistaken stat C/S or my mistake?

    Out of habit, I always put a pulse ox on the mom to get her heart rate whenever I have even the slightest doubt about who's heart rate I am tracing. Takes only a sec and clear up quite a bit of...
  4. Coaching my daughter in childbirth

    Mothers can be a wealth of information and support for laboring patients ... as long as you are there for HER, you will be fine. That being said, the majority of problems with moms coaching daughters...
  5. Maternity Ward

    Well, after a full year of working L&D as a RN, I can say that I rarely tear up anymore unless I've really bonded with the family and the situation is special in some way. What "Maternity Ward"...
  6. phone protocols

    What do most hospitals do in their OB departments with these types of calls? Our most common call is: Hi, I think I'm in labor. No, my water hasn't broken. Yes, the pain is unbearable. Definitely...
  7. Directed pushing

    JOGNN had a great article on this ... I believe it was the Nov/Dec 2005 issue but I can't seem to find it in all of my piles of magazines right now! It was titled something like "Spontaneous Vs....
  8. Pumping to induce labor??

    One of the main points with nipple stimulation that is being done to induce production of Oxytocin, is that the nipple must be stretched, not just rubbed. The breast pump does exactly this and works...
  9. Need Help on Postpartum Topic

    Herpes is a great subject for this. And more women than we realize carry the HSV I (yep, the kind usually found on your lip during a cold sore breakout) lady partslly. Interesting at what point the...
  10. Male manager of OB

    Our OB manager (both asst managers and head honcho) have many, many years of OB experience. When they are on the unit, they should be able to look at a FHR tracing and understand why the patient is...
  11. Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA

    Okay, so I think we've come got two things going here: 1) If the patient shows an O2 sat of 99%, it may not actually be so (inaccurate reading of a finger pulse ox), so additional oxygen makes up for...
  12. Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA

    I've done some more reading and research and I'm still in need of more info. Here's where I am at: If mom has an O2 level of 99% then her hemoglobin is carrying 99% of its potential capacity. The...
  13. Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA

    OKay, I guess I am just being dense about this subject. Just looking for facts to back up my thoughts. Thanks for your help and input!
  14. Applying Oxygen when O2sat is 99% on RA

    Ah yes, forgot to mention that I also turned the pit off and provider was notified, as well (we'd been on the phone off and on for 20 minutes). I do understand the theory behind putting 02 on the mom...
  15. I've spent the last few nights pondering this question ... let's use a "hypothetical" patient: Primip, induction (cytotec X2 then Pitocin), Pit is up to 6mu, FHR baseline 140-150bpm with average...