

Med Surg, Mental Health & Addictions

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All Content by KrissyPRN

  1. My ER experience....what do you think??

    I suffer from migraines. I usually get them right before my period and they will last 2-3 days. Occassionally I will get one in between. They are absolutely horrible!!!!! At times I can't even get out of bed. We have gone as far as to put black ...
  2. in shock my daughters life on the line need your help!!!

    My prayers are with you and your daughter.:prdnrs:
  3. Panic attacks

    :yeahthat: I agree with atomic1976. I hope all is going well with you. Let us know how you are doing.
  4. Going the happy dance!

  5. How often do you use Valium?

    We use ativan alot prn for agitation usually along with haldol and benadryl. Klonopin is used sometimes for anxiety but more commonly we try to use vistaril first. There is a physician on our unit who uses a valium taper for his alcohol detox pt's....
  6. starting on unit -- psych meds

    I would also get familiar with: ativan, valium, benadryl, clonidine, invega, vistaril, librium, anafranil, wellbutrin, effexor, paxil, prozac, lexapro, celexa, ambien, lunesta, trazadone, ritalin, concerta, strattera, neurontin, remeron, and restori...
  7. Do psych patients ever stalk their nurse?

    I suppose any patient could stalk there nurse not just a pysch pt. But to answer your question I have never been stalked by a pt nor have I heard of anyone on our unit being stalked. I have seen patients in public that have recognized me.
  8. Effective coloring????

    Hospital wide where I work RN's have to wear all black, all white, or black and white mixed. In my opinion I think it's ridiculous but it's policy. I think we should be able to wear different colored scrubs or street clothes on the mental health &a...
  9. What happens if a nurse is attacked?

    First thing I would do is yell STAFF so that the staff I work with come to my aide immediately although I've not been attacked thus far I have seen pt's escalate to the point of being aggressive. The next thing we would do is call a Code so that sec...
  10. stress level in my department is getting to me

    harley007 it sounds like the same situation I deal with at work. There is alot of back stabbing, jealousy, and inappropriate behavior. Like you I am also a perfectionist and I am very hard on myself. I have decided that I basically will go to work ...
  11. I think I want to be a psych nurse

    I have to say I like working mental health & addictions. I feel respected by the doctors and the other staff. I work on the obs unit in our dept and I am responsible for most of the admissions to our unit as well as the transfer of patients to ...
  12. Adderall for Bipolar??

    I have never heard of using or seen the use of Adderall for Bipolar D/O. Was this a patient? If it was a patient what other meds were they on and are you sure they gave the complete history with an accurate diagnosis?
  13. First Day on The Job

    Congratulations! You are right as time goes by it will get better and you will become more comfortable. Keep us updated on how everything is going.
  14. Why is psych nursing only 8 hours???

    I work 12 hour shifts 3 nights a week. We also have 8 hour shifts.
  15. Classic Patient Statements

    I work mental health & addictions. We hear alot of I've been "vapor acted" instead of I've been baker acted.
  16. First needlestick :( :(

    I am sorry this happened but as the above poster said don't beat yourself up. Mistakes do happen. At least you have taken the proper steps in filling out the incident report and having the labs drawn. My thoughts are with you as I'm sure this is a...
  17. Do You Deliver Safe Patient Care?

    1. I am the RN with no tech and up to 8 patients. 2. Mental Health & Addictions 23 hour observation unit 3. Most of the time I feel it is unsafe for both the patient and myself. I wouldn't say I don't feel my care is effective. Most of the t...
  18. Attacked by patient

    I am so sorry to hear this happened. I work mental health & addictions. I have yet to be attacked by a pt but I know the chance is always there. I am sometimes the only nurse on the unit with up to 8 adult patients and at times they can be ver...
  19. If you could make everyone a nurse, would you?

    NO! Some people just aren't meant to be nurses!
  20. Admission Essay help

    I would be glad to read it. :prdnrs:
  21. Acetabular Labrum Tear: Worried :-(

    I know you are going through a difficult time. I have never had to deal with WC but last year I had a seizure while I was driving lost control of my car and hit a tree. I broke my ankle and had to go on short term disability for two months. It was...
  22. LTC Pt - What to do?

    Xanax is probably not the best thing to use for this type of behavior. I would talk to the doctor and let him know that the pt is still having the same type of behavior despite the xanax. I would consider that he could possibly be a sundowner. I h...
  23. I worked for almost a year as an RN on med/surg tele prior to transferring to the Mental Health and Addictions floor at our hospital. We do dual diagnosis on our unit. We also have an adolescent unit and Dementia unit. I love what I do. It is ver...
  24. What is it like working in psych?

    I have been working mental health and addictions now for over 2 years and I love it. Piper12 is right you have to really care about your patients. It can be a difficult area to work but it is very rewarding. Of course pt's can be verbally, emotion...
  25. Going to accept position, wish me luck!

    If you have never worked mental health before it wil take a while just like any other area of nursing to feel comfortable in. I have worked mental heath and addictions for over 2 years now and I love it. Yes there are aggressive and sometimes viole...