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About Berta

over the hill hopeful Nursing Student

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  1. Do you cover your books?

    I too covered all my books. I bought clear sticky/type covers at walmart. They worked great and you really couldn't tell they were covered. Plus, the covers remove fairly easy when I sold them back.
  2. Help Please--where are the best salaries?

    New grad pay rate here in Massachusetts is $23/hr plus diff.
  3. Cheapest place to find scrubs?

    [oops, duplicate post
  4. Cheapest place to find scrubs?

    I have used a company called Jack l. Marcus and have have great luck. I'm a plus size gal and find there prices to be far better than the local uniform shops. They have plenty of solid colors and prints. Plus, free UPS shi...
  5. Anyone attend Brockton Hosp Sch of Nur?

    Have you applied to Massasoit?? I attend their nursing program and I love it. It's not that expensive. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, feel free to PM me. Berta
  6. working in MA as nursing student

    Hi, I am a senior nursing student. I am working on the south shore as a nurses aid. The pay isn't too bad. I make a little over $11. I had no luck trying to find a job as an aid by myself. I applied to all the local hospitals and got no response. Fin...
  7. Boston - CNA salary

    I don't know what the pay scale is in the immediate Boston area. I am a nursing student getting a little over $11 plus diff working on the south shore.
  8. Massasoit

    I am a senior at MCC. YIPEE...Yes it is difficult to get in. Last year, when I got accepted, the had something like 500 applicants and took 50. How did I get in? I am not really sure. I am a solid B student, scored ok on the placement test, and had a...
  9. Any denver hospitals assist with interview expenses?

    Wow, I have never heard of this. I assume they only reimburse you if you are accepting the job with them. What happens if you spend the money to fly out and don't accept the position? Are you out the money you spent? Sorry to sound stupid, but this d...
  10. Any denver hospitals assist with interview expenses?

    What kind of interviewing cost are you refering to?
  11. Mommies of pre-schoolers, need your advice

    I am in the same boat. My kids are 9 & 4. I cannot afford to pay a sitter so that I can study. I have come up with a few solutions....I hope they help you. I find that trying to study while my kids are around is pretty much a big waste of time. T...
  12. Here's what my daughters pedi suggested for a stubborn diaper rash.... a mixture of maalox and corn starch. Mix it well and spread it on like frosting, nice and thick. I truly thought he was bonkers, but the darn stuff worked overnight. :rotfl:
  13. I am a student too and work as a CNA at a hospital. One of the duties that I sometimes have to do is "sitting" with a patient. It is actually a position that the hospital hires people for and pays them about $9 per hour. All they do is sit in the roo...
  14. Ok...I'm gonna be honest...I'm gonna spend it all on ME, ME, ME. My next check I am going to make a huge donation to the public library that I have used as my study home. Also, thanks to them for having movies that kept my kids entertained so I coul...
  15. Tell me the truth about being a CNA

    Wow!! It makes me so glad that I refused to do CNA work in a LTC. Having said that....I am an RN student, currently employed as a CNA at a large hospital. I am working on a med/surg floor and truly love it. Yes, I am tired and a sweaty stinking mess...