
LuvofNursing BSN, MSN, RN

Obstetrics, M/S, Family medicine

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All Content by LuvofNursing

  1. Queen777, just a suggestion, your response will never hold any weight if you respond by stating...."I didn't even finish reading your response." This is someone that hires. The better approach might be, "what do you suggest a C student do to improv...
  2. Before there are any more posts to this thread I think there should be some clarification...... there are students who scrape by with C's because they do not want to put the effort in and they know they will pass just the same with C's, THEN there ar...
  3. Beach Butterfly, are you not noticing that you have allowed yourself to become the exact same person as the ones that say "A students are better?" C students do not run circles around A students. This is a lot of nonsense of people obsessed with sayi...
  4. Unfortunately, there still remains the stigma of "C students don't understand like A students," and I have also noticed the reverse stigma that "A students are good at theory, but cannot translate to real world." What is truly comes down to is that...
  5. Can someone please tell me what a sticky thread is?? As far as the certifications prior to getting a job, I am a learning addict, so I took the online Basic FHM class for $70, I believe (through AHWONN). As far as certifications, you can check with...
  6. Anyone Up For Random FACT THROWING??

    daverica rn.....i would love to do a pharm fact throwing would actually be super helpful for those in school is there were a thread for each specialty (ob, peds, mental health, pharm, etc) let me know if you start one.
  7. May 09 NCLEX support group

    GDJ, Okay..... Take a deep breath in..............then out. In..........................................then out. Many times, it is not WHAT you know that causes you to pass or fail, but the doubt in your mind (or confidence) as to whether you truly ...
  8. Start nursing school with a newborn at home?

    congratulations linz09!!
  9. Start nursing school with a newborn at home?

    Many people commenting on this as all or nothing. I would have to say, I don't feel either one of the two aspects of life were neglected (school or family). One suggestion I would make, which is something I proudly stuck to all throughout nursing s...
  10. Start nursing school with a newborn at home?

    I will start by saying, when I began nursing school, I had a 2 month old and a 20 month old. I found that, although it was hard, I gained much in the way of time management. I don't feel that my children suffered during this process. I did have a ...
  11. Absolutely FURIOUS!!!!

    You have every right to be furious. I will blow off the tech for the time being, because as you can see from other postings, the tech was wrong in every sense of the word, but the fact that the PNB did NOT speak with your actual reference, and then ...
  12. Delta College, Stockton, CA

    they are also beginning to slowly work back into Dameron Hospital as a clinical site. i know pediatrics was there this semester.
  13. Looking for a new grad program

    I'm not sure where you are from, but I did lots of research. i first found out what hospitals were in driving distance of me, then I looked on their job search to see if there were any new grad positions, if there were not, I would call to find out ...
  14. Topics to Review for New L&D Nurse

    First, I would like to say....I am not an L&D nurse, but I am in L&D right now, and I asked my instructor a very similar question, so I thought I would share what she said .... - Know GTPAL - know normal pregnancy lab values (hgb, crit, rubel...
  15. California New Grad Programs still hiring

    A question for all of you...if the application process is all online, how do you get into the hospital to show your face and make an impression? I have applied to a few hospitals, and they are ALL online. I plan on going to each hospital on wednesd...
  16. I Contracted HIV

    All of us appreciate your bravery in sharing your story. it is quite a wake up call for all of us, from those who have just graduated to those who have been in nursing for years. We can never be too careful. Always stay positive and use this exp...
  17. Versant Program anyone?

    A local hospital near me just began doing the Versant program. they are offering it in Med/surg, ED and ICU only. it is 18 weeks for med/surg and ED, and 22 weeks for ICU. This hospital in particular is requiring a 3 year commitment. Are there any of...
  18. RN to bsn online

    It depends a lot on what you want to pay. i have found a fair amount of 1 year RN to BSN programs, although they require some classes before you begin (O.chem, stats, some gen ed that may be different than the ADN requirements). Some that you can l...
  19. L and D Job Concerns

    MBA2BRN, do you plan on working med-surg before l&d?
  20. UCSF CNM program

    It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your decision. Good luck with everything!!
  21. Generally, hospitals will not accept you as a student nurse until you have completed your first semester. I would definitely start looking into it your first semester, though, because they fill up quick. Try speaking with someone at your clinical ...
  22. New Grad in Sacramento, CA

    when do you graduate? lodi memorial is building onto their hospital, so they will be hiring more RNs once that is completed. I would try them. Also, I spoke with someone in your area at Mercy San Juan (carmichael), and she mentioned that volunteerin...
  23. I am halfway through nursing school, and it truly helps to get an internship at a hospital. Some hospitals, at least in my area, are not hiring student nurses like they used to, so be persistent but polite! I brought my resume by person into every ho...
  24. New Grad Jobs in Maternity

    I am also trying to get a new grad job in labor and delivery (or at least postpartum/nursery), and I have been doing all that I can to how the hospitals taht I apply to that I am serious about working in labor and delivery. I have become Certified i...
  25. How is a new graduate suppose to get experience?

    The suggestion about attending a Student Nurses' Association conference is great, should you have time and an opportunity to go. There should be a State Nursing Association that would allow you to not travel as far (since NSNA is in Texas in October)...