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About lowfatangela

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  1. I am currently in the process of finding a travel job in San Diego this winter. Any advice on agencies that staff in San Diego, especially for Med/Surg.
  2. Travel Assignment in Las Vegas

    I just talked to aya healthcare and was offered $23/hour for a M/S tele assignment in Las Vegas. That seems quite low to me. I am also looking to travel to Las Vegas this winter. Any advise about...
  3. Pearsonvue Trick Is this TRUE? Does it work every time?

    The pearson trick worked for me!!!! I got the pop-up and just found out I am officially an RN...
  4. Pearsonvue Trick Is this TRUE? Does it work every time?

    I took the NCLEX-RN yesterday, July 8 at 0800. I am a wreck. I did the pearson trick and the pop-up message came up. Now I gotta wait.... Florida BON supposedly has results up in 24 hours, but they...
  5. Navy Nursing Orders question

    Hello All, I am currently applying for an accelerated BSN program and am thinking about becoming a Navy nurse. My husband is also in the Navy and is currently in flight school. Does anyone out there...